11 Common First Time Mom Mistakes

It is natural for a mother to make some mistakes in raising her children, especially if she is a first-time mother.
11 Common First-Time Mom Mistakes

Nobody is perfect. However, knowledge is power. Therefore, if you already know about these common mistakes beforehand, you can avoid making them.

If you are a first-time mother, chances are you are making or have made several of the mistakes on this list.

But do not worry! Everything has a solution. This list can help you understand what happened to you and can also prevent you from doing some wrong things.

The most common mistakes of a first-time mother

Panic in any situation

Many mothers overreact to their child’s vomiting or regurgitation.

The baby is usually aware of all of his mother’s feelings and moods. Thus, anxiety and nervousness can make the child more nervous and agitated.

So try to do everything calmly and smoothly.

Sterilize all baby utensils for up to one year

Baby hygiene is paramount in the first few weeks of life, but don’t get obsessed with it.

Try to keep the objects clean so that the baby comes into contact with a certain number of bacteria that will help him to develop his own defenses, but not enough to cause an infection.

Wake up the baby to feed

Babies wake up when they are hungry. Therefore, it is usually not necessary to interrupt your sleep. If he didn’t wake up, let him stay asleep.

Experts recommend that babies feed every 3 hours for their first few weeks of life. But that doesn’t mean you have to wake him up from a peaceful sleep to get his food.

Put a lot of clothes on the baby

first time mother

When they are in their first few weeks of life, babies tend to lose body heat easily. So, if they are left with too many clothes, they end up sweating a lot.

Keeping your baby’s body temperature balanced is the key.

You will be able to tell if he is cold through his hands and feet by checking the temperature or if they are a little purple.

If you sweat on your neck and head, maybe you are wearing too many clothes and feel hot.

Impose the regime of silence while the baby sleeps during the day

At one and a half months of age, the baby’s sleep pattern begins to recognize light-dark cycles. Thus, she is more likely to sleep longer at night.

Therefore, the baby must get used to the daily noises of the house during naps to know when it is daytime.

On the other hand, if there is absolute silence when the baby sleeps, any noise will startle him and wake him up.

Compare your baby to other babies

One should not compare one child to another. Each one develops at its own pace and whenever they are in a range that is considered normal, there is no need to worry.

In monthly consultations, the pediatrician will be the professional responsible for checking whether the baby has developed normally.

So don’t compare your experience with that of other mothers. Each one will experience the child’s growth differently.

bathe every day

Pediatricians say that bathing babies two or three times a week is enough.

After every diaper change, if you wipe his butt with baby wipes or a sponge and wash his little hands, you don’t need to use the tub daily.

first time mother

Do not take a nap while the baby sleeps

This is a very common mistake for first-time mothers.

Generally, they prefer to bring up chores around the house or pending work while the baby sleeps. But in a few weeks most will realize how tired they are.

Do not let anyone touch the baby or hold it in your lap

It is very common for first-time mothers (and those not so first-timers) to fear that someone who is sick will infect the child by kissing or holding them in their arms.

However, it makes good sense to know that if someone is sick, you should not leave the baby near that person to avoid possible contagion.

Cut the baby’s hair to make it grow stronger

It is not recommended to cut the baby’s hair before the first year of life. The belief that hair will grow stronger is a myth, as new hair will look the same.

On the other hand, if the baby is very small, it may lose heat through the head. The texture, color and type of hair will not be definitive until the baby is one year old.

These factors are primarily determined by genetic inheritance.

neglecting the couple’s relationship

It is normal for a first-time mother to feel that she must spend every minute with her baby. But it is necessary to spend time with the couple whenever possible.

Whenever you can, hire a nanny or ask a family member for help, either once a week or every 15 days, to carry out leisure activities together and have moments of intimacy.

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