12 Phrases That Promote Positive Behaviors In Children

Before yelling at a child about their misbehavior, it is always preferable to use phrases that promote positive behavior.
12 sentences that promote positive behaviors in children

On many occasions, parents feel overwhelmed by their children’s negative behaviors. In these situations, we can  yell at them, scold them or punish them. However, this has been shown to impair their emotional development. Therefore, it is better to use phrases that promote positive behavior.

The theories of pedagogues and psychologists offer  much more effective alternatives than punishments. That way, on top of everything else, we’ll also prevent this bad behavior from happening again.

There are phrases we can use to encourage positive behaviors in our children. If you want to know what they are, you can find them in this article.

Phrases that promote positive behaviors

If you do ( a certain task ), you can ( reward )

It has been found that  reinforcing positive behaviors  is much better and more effective  than punishing bad actions negatively. So, if we want an activity to be repeated, we need to reinforce it. But if we want to eliminate it, we must stop reinforcing it, and punishment is a form of reinforcement, albeit a negative one.

phrases that promote positive behaviors in children

The  rewards will be things that are not material, such as playing with the parents, going to the park, going to the movies, taking a bike ride, taking a ride, etc.

i know you can do better

It’s important to  convey that we believe they can behave well and do things right.

I’m very proud of you: one of the best phrases that promote positive behavior

Let your child see that  you are happy with his or her achievements and efforts, even if the task didn’t turn out so well. So let’s motivate you to do better next time.

If you keep behaving like that, I won’t listen to you anymore

Yelling or talking to him to explain what he did wrong will only reinforce that bad behavior. That way we will be giving our attention when what he did was negative.

In this sense, it is better to leave or ask him to leave the place where we are, so as not to pay more attention to this negative behavior.

It is necessary to tell the truth and never lie

Many children lie out of fear of being reprimanded or because they cannot distinguish fantasy from reality. Therefore,  when they tell the truth, we must reward them. We have to commend them for being brave to tell what happened.

We must calm down and find a solution

Sometimes children cry desperately over a whim we don’t want to attend to. It is important that we remain firm in our decision. We can help the child to calm down and look for an alternative that makes them equally excited.

Other phrases that promote positive behaviors in children

Try again

If the child does something wrong, instead of insisting on what was wrong, we should  offer the opportunity to repeat the action to do better  and thus correct the mistake.

Love you

Telling  our children that we love them and constantly reminding them of it will help them to have good self-esteem, behave better, and be more positive.

phrases that promote positive behaviors in children

Do you remember that you had to…? You did…?

Rather than scold or yell because they didn’t do a certain task and end up doing the task ourselves, it’s better to use positive reprimands. We can  remind them of what they had to do in order for them to do the task.

You made a mistake, but we can learn from our mistakes: one of the best phrases that promote positive behavior

It is  much better for them to realize they were wrong  themselves than if we say “I told you so” . Just like adults, who don’t learn until they stumble, so do children.

I will help you when you need

That way, we’ll show the child that, if he needs anything, we’ll be there for him. By reminding her of this, if she feels lost at any given time, she will seek your help.

I believe in you and I know you will make it

That way, we give our child the confidence he needs when he says he’s going to do something, and that will motivate him to strive to do it.

I know you did this by accident: the last of the sentences that promote positive behaviors

This sentence will encourage that, next time, this does not happen again, because you believed and placed all your trust in him.

Once you know the phrases that promote positive behaviors in your kids, now is the time to put them into practice.

It is important to surprise the little ones by doing something good and reinforcing them by  saying how much we love them and how proud we are of them. So, use these phrases in your daily life and you will see positive results in children’s behavior.

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