3 Tips For A Successful Transition From Kindergarten To Elementary School – I’m A Mom

Facilitating the transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School will help children feel more secure in their new roles.
3 tips for a good transition from kindergarten to elementary school

It is not always easy for a child to accept a change that will transform their life in a more or less drastic way. The transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School can be difficult for some children to digest .

As much as this transition is considered as the passage of children to the school of the elderly, which makes them feel proud and happy, sometimes it can be difficult for some children who, despite feeling happy in Kindergarten, they cannot adapt as they should to elementary school. This can happen because it is an environment that is sometimes less controlled, more busy and in which the little one has less protagonism, as there are more children in the place.

Furthermore, during this change,  many of the students lose contact with their kindergarten peers. Thus, they need to adapt to a new environment, children they don’t know, and sometimes something as simple as having to use the stairs to get to the classroom, which in itself is also a change.

You also need to consider the family’s concerns. That is, for parents and even for grandparents, uncles or even older siblings, the child’s passage to Elementary School is an extra responsibility to which new teachers, adaptations, purchase of books, transport, homework are added …

tips for a smooth transition from kindergarten to elementary school

Moving from Kindergarten to Elementary School

But it is not our intention to frighten. This is something that will happen whether we like it or not, and in general it’s not a very worrying thing, although there are some tips that can help the little ones.

We must know that, taking into account the stages of human development, according to Piaget’s estimate, the child passes from the pre-operational stage to that of concrete operations at the age of 6 or 7 years. That is,  this change is natural for the children and the school only intensifies this so that the adaptation takes place accordingly.

During this new stage, the child begins to use logical reasoning and its fundamentals. It’s the time when she can start collecting, improving her math skills, etc.

For this reason,  educational institutions establish transition plans. In other words, they prepare age-appropriate activities so that, when they start elementary school, the curricula are adapted to their age and needs.

How to help transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School

During the transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School, all actors involved in the educational process can contribute in some way. Starting with teachers, who work with children who are used to being more relaxed in the classroom and who can move around as they like, to parents, who may be concerned about this transition.

Improved attention and mental exercises

At this stage, it is very important that the little one concentrates more, spends more time sitting and respects each one’s turn. For this,  we can do exercises at home to help improve your memory. For example, using board games, which will be great for increasing your attention span and retention. Use the simple ones, such as Ludo or any card game you like.

tips for a smooth transition from kindergarten to elementary school

hours of reading

Reading and writing are constant from the age of 6 onwards , that is, just when Elementary School is starting. Therefore, if we want the little ones to improve their spelling and learn quickly, it is necessary to reinforce the hours of reading at home, but always without forcing them, through stories, books adapted to their age, etc.

Motivation to do your homework

One of the major problems in the transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School begins. Doing homework can be difficult for little ones. They will need adult help, reinforcement if necessary and, above all, a lot of motivation. However, it must always be clear that the responsibility is theirs. We can help but not make it too easy so they don’t get overly comfortable.

About the child’s transition to Elementary School

In another context of activities,  we can encourage children to take on new roles. For example, they can dress alone in the morning to make them feel more responsible and autonomous.

Finally, as parents, we must not forget that, in order to facilitate the transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School, it  is important to follow the guidance of teachers and specialists. This information is vital to support our little ones in this process.

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