4 Tips For Good Parenting

The parenting style we apply in our children’s education will determine their future happiness. Therefore, it is convenient to know some tips for a good creation, that is, an education that allows them to have a healthy and happy development.
4 tips for good breeding

Being responsible for a person’s well-being and development can make us dizzy. With regard to the exercise of motherhood, many doubts may arise: “Am I doing it right?”, “Am I too rigid? Or maybe too permissive?”, “Am I giving my child a good childhood?” Asking all these questions is natural, but actually putting good breeding into practice is easier than it sounds.

For this, it is enough to be clear about the objectives and the steps to be followed to reach them. We could say that every parent wants their children to be respectful, successful and good people. But, above all, that they are healthy and happy. From the perspective of positive parenting, it is proposed that, basically, it is necessary to meet the child’s physical, intellectual and emotional needs. And for that, there are a series of guidelines that can be followed.

Tips for practicing good breeding


Love must always be the foundation of creation. An unconditional love that translates into understanding, acceptance, patience and support. Loving a child without conditions is knowing him deeply, understanding his needs and responding to them the way he needs to. It is abandoning our personal expectations as parents to be available for the reality that the child presents to us.

Also, it means being present and taking the time to establish a strong bond. It doesn’t matter if you work outside the home, your child will be able to notice and appreciate the quality moments you dedicate to him at the end of his workday. When a father prioritizes his son and enjoys his company, this is evident, even if he has other obligations to fulfill.


Respect must be present in all human relationships and much more in a relationship as significant as that between parents and children. However, sometimes, the fact that children are children leads us to assume that they deserve special treatment. Having fewer years to live and needing guidance and limits does not mean that these should be applied without respect and consideration.

Shouts, threats or insults have no place in a good upbringing, as do attitudes of contempt or indifference. Listening to a child speak, answering their doubts, validating their emotions… These are simple acts that have a great impact on the child’s psyche.

Stimulate development for a good creation

The child’s intellectual stimulation is a fundamental aspect of the parent’s task. It consists of providing learning opportunities through different materials, games, spaces and activities according to age.

However, in addition to that, stimulating a child’s development implies providing him with the resources and personal tools necessary to develop in life. Self-esteem, confidence, perseverance, resilience, etc. Fostering all of these skills is just as important as teaching your child to read or tie his shoe, as they will contribute to his future happiness.

guide your behavior

Tips for a good creation.

Parents’ job is to be guides who guide and direct the way, provide support through the falls, and encourage you to move forward. Shaping a child’s behavior is a daily job that develops primarily by example. So, always pay attention to your own behavior, your words, your reactions and the way you interact with your child and with other people, as you are the main reference for children.

On the other hand, limits are necessary and beneficial. Your child needs to have clear rules to obey and know the consequences of not following them. This does not involve punishment or screaming, as the consequences must be consistent and loving. Remember that the goal is not to make the child obey, but to help him become an autonomous person.

To apply a good creation, start with yourself

The above guidelines are not difficult to apply, and many parents apply them naturally and instinctively. However, they do require a little internal work. To apply good parenting, you have to know yourself, as a person and as a mother, you have to be clear about your goals with your children, and know what your strengths and weaknesses are. And, above all, you must be willing to improve each day.

Making mistakes is human, but asking for forgiveness and changing course when necessary is also essential. So, inform yourself to freely choose the parenting style you want to apply and not end up acting automatically. Rely on the experiences of other parents or seek professional advice if needed. Ultimately, much of your children’s present and future happiness depends on their upbringing. So working on yourself as a mother is the best gift you can give them.

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