5 Books Your Child Needs To Read Between 6 And 12 Years Old

Everyone knows that reading is critical to children’s (and adults’) development. Reading has countless benefits for everyone. It encourages creativity, imagination, memory, adds new words to the vocabulary, opens new horizons, helps to have better critical thinking, etc… Reading is, without a doubt, a fundamental part of any child’s life. 

In order to encourage reading, it is essential that children know from an early age that this is not an obligation, but a form of leisure. Reading is a way to relax, immersing yourself in new worlds.

However, to have this experience, the child must see in you a good example of a reader, that is, that he can see that reading is important to you, that you dedicate some time in your daily life to reading.

Sometimes it’s  not easy to find the kind of reading or subject that kids like. The first thing to do is ask your children what kind of reading or topic they are most interested in doing. It may be that he/she is indecisive and that he/she doesn’t know what he/she likes more or less, because he/she still needs to find out. In that case, as a parent you should help him find what might interest him most.

boy reading a book in the bedroom window

There are many books on the market that may be suitable for your child, but there are some titles that, regardless of what type of subject they might like, are books that all boys and girls between 6 and 12 years of age should read.

They are essential readings that should be on your library shelf, and that, in addition, you will hit the target when choosing content, because they bring values ​​that will make them learn and be distracted at the same time.

Books Your Child Needs to Read Between 6 and 12 Years of Age

 1. Grandmother Opaline

It is a book for boys and girls from 7 years of age and was written by María Puncel. The story deals with the homework assignments that are asked by the teachers at the school, but they send Isa to do very funny homework: write an essay about her grandmother. Although she doesn’t have a grandmother. So she takes it upon herself to write about an imaginary grandmother and begins writing about her friends’ grandmother.

2. The pampinoplas

It is a book for boys and girls from 7 years of age and was written by Consuelo Armijo. A child goes to visit his grandfather in a small town, but he thought they would be boring and boring days, but the days with his grandfather turn out to be fantastic, full of adventures. He has to unmask Pampinoplas: who will this character be?

boy imagining letters coming out of a book

3. Memories of a Chicken

This book is for boys and girls 8 years of age and older and was written by Concha López Narváez. The story is about Carolina, a chicken different from the others. It’s a chicken that doesn’t care about the rules and that reflects on the values ​​of life. It is a book that will teach girls and boys the importance of equality and coexistence.

4. The Little Prince

This is a celebrated book that both children and adults enjoy, but it was written for children 10 years old and up. It was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The book begins when a pilot, who got lost in the Sahara desert, meets a prince from another planet, etc…. And the coolest thing, it’s worth unraveling the story.

5. Momo

Momo is a book for boys and girls from the age of 12 and was written by Michael Ende. Momo is a girl who knows how to listen to others, understands them and helps to improve their lives. However, she starts to change when, all of a sudden, some men dressed in gray appear who want to steal her time. What will happen in this peculiar story.

These are 5 must-have books in your kids’ library, books your kid needs to read. No matter what genre of book they like best, these 5 titles are indispensable. For sure, they’ll like them, and they’ll also learn great values ​​between the lines. Also, you can read the books along with them to help them reflect on whether they really understood what the tale intended to convey to them.

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