5 Golden Rules To Make Children Obey

5 golden rules to make children obey

Sometimes parents hold their hands over their heads because they don’t know how to get their children to obey. This can undoubtedly be a great source of frustration for parents.

Parents often seek professional help to find ways or advice to make their children obey and pay attention to the orders they give. But the truth is, kids don’t have to obey orders. They just need to understand and feel valued.

The task of managing behavior at home can be frustrating and even unpleasant. But it is a crucial element in raising children. It is from 18 to 24 months that children begin to recognize, understand and respect the authority of their parents. As long as they know how to do it without the little ones feeling bad at any point.

Making children obey is achieved with wisdom, insight and creativity. You will also need to manage the behavior in an atmosphere of love and care. The key is that children need to understand that all behaviors have consequences, both negative and positive. They must understand that different types of behavior produce different results. Some are nice and some are not so nice.


Use the corner of thought by staying beside it

The corner of thinking does not consist in leaving the child alone in a certain place to think just like that. If you use the corner of thought in this way, you will only make your child feel abandoned and make him think that his thoughts are not important. When your child does not obey you can use the corner of thought as a consequence. But it is necessary to stay around to show what was the negative behavior, what is the appropriate one and what will be the consequence. In addition, you should also help him to calm down if necessary.

guide your behavior

It is very important that you help your child by guiding the behavior you want him to learn. If you want your child to be kinder you must be kind too. If you want your child not to be aggressive with his sibling, you must also not be aggressive with them, with other people or with yourself.

Recognize good behaviors

Recognizing good behavior is a way to emphasize correct conduct. Thus, children will feel that what they do right is valued and will likely behave better in future times.

I’m not referring to rewards (something that encourages selfishness when used excessively). But a good way to recognize this is to reward the child with positive family experiences when they sometimes behave well. You can organize a points system, or challenge the kids to fill a jar with marbles, which will be the rewards for good behavior…when it’s full they can choose an activity to do as a family, like going to the beach or going to the park have ice cream.


think if something is not right

If your child is very naughty it is possible that something is not right and he is trying to make you realize it in some way. Maybe you need to analyze if the child is well fed, if he rests long enough, if he has very stressful schedules, if there is something in the family that is causing this emotional discomfort … so you can think about what is happening and how to solve a possible problem. You also need to see if the little ones are experiencing any emotional conflicts that are worth resolving before trying to get them to blindly obey your orders. When children are doing well emotionally, their behavior will improve dramatically.

say what you expect from the child

Children are often disobedient (without them knowing what they are doing) simply because they don’t know exactly what you expect of them. Children need information about their behavior and what is right and what is not.

If there’s something they’re not doing right, you should make it clear what the right attitude is. As well as what will be the negative and positive consequences of complying or not complying with what was said. Often, natural consequences are also a good way to learn what’s best for them and get them to obey next time.

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