5 Kinds Of Crafts To Celebrate The Arrival Of Spring

There is no better way to celebrate the arrival of one of the most beautiful seasons of the year than making crafts.
5 types of crafts to celebrate the arrival of spring

Spring is always synonymous with joy, color, lots of flowers and the beginning of good weather. Therefore, we can’t think of anything better than making different types of crafts to celebrate the arrival of spring.

Below, you’ll find spring-related items that you can teach your kids as they create these amazing crafts together. There’s no better idea!

Crafts to celebrate the arrival of spring


As it should be, flowers are the first type of handicraft that we are going to create to celebrate the arrival of spring. After all, they are one of the most characteristic elements of this season.

As this is a very simple type of craft, you can use different materials to create it. Next, we’re going to show you three very simple ideas for building these flowers with kids, which will be a lot of fun.

  • The first material to create the flowers that we are going to use will be the  ice cream sticks. One of the toothpicks will be the flower stem, and then we’ll need eight more to create the petals.
  • The second material we are going to use  to create the flowers are small plastic dishes. Just paint each dish the color you want for the flower, and it will be ready.
  • The third material that we are going to use to create, in this case, the flower petals, are macaroni or any other type of dough  that children prefer to use and shape.

crafts to celebrate the arrival of spring

Little birds

Children love animals. For this reason, they are on the list of handicrafts to celebrate the arrival of spring that the little ones will like the most, as they combine painting and animals.

The sound of birds chirping is another characteristic feature of spring and, therefore, it will be another type of craft that we are going to propose. For this, you will only need three very simple materials:

  • Finger painting.
  • Pens.
  • Sheets.

The children will have to  place the palm of the hand in the ink and then place it on the sheet, horizontally. That way, the fingers will recreate the wings and the end of the palm will be the bird’s face. The last step will be to paint the beak and eyes with a marker, and our birds will be ready to fly!

Caterpillars, one of the funniest types of crafts to celebrate the arrival of spring

Continuing with spring-related animals, caterpillars are our third proposal. To raise these animals and give children another insight into them, you will need:

  • Colorful pompoms.
  • Clothespins.
  • Glue.
  • Moving eyes.

First, let’s  glue the pompoms lined up on one side of the brooch. You can choose the color combination of the pompoms as you like. That way, you’ll be able to create explosions of color that the little ones will love. Finally, to give our characters more liveliness, we’re also going to glue the movable eyes with glue.


Another animal related to spring, good weather and bright colors are butterflies. To make this type of craft, you will need:

  • Toilet Paper Roll.
  • Cardboard.
  • Glitter.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.

crafts to celebrate the arrival of spring

The roll will be the body and base of the butterfly, while you’ll have to create the two wings out of cardstock and glue them to the back of the roll. Glitter will be used to decorate the wings, although you can also use other types of materials, such as EVA, for example.

With a pen, you can paint the butterfly’s face or use movable eyes to give these cute animals a more fun look.

A mural to express spring

The vast majority of children like to  express their creativity and imagination through drawing and painting. That’s why we’re sure that if you offer a big blank mural, they’ll rush to fill it with color.

The activity we propose is very simple: first, children’s books related to spring can be used so that the little ones can perceive the elements with which this season is related.

Secondly, as a family and with a lot of creativity, you should  express everything you have learned about this season in a large blank mural, which you can create from several sheets together.

In this way, memory, concentration and attention will be encouraged, as well as drawing and reading. Is there a more complete activity? Of course not!

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