5 Situations You Should Avoid Moments Before Your Child Goes To Sleep

5 Situations You Should Avoid Moments Before Your Child Sleeps

Getting our children to sleep early and peacefully is one of the challenges of parenting. Without knowing it, we may be making a lot of mistakes when putting them to sleep. By correcting these mistakes we can make our little ones sleep peacefully and soundly.

At times it may seem that our children’s energy is inexhaustible. They get up early, play, have fun and it’s just at bedtime that more ideas come up to keep the mess going.

When sleep never seems to come for them, it is necessary to redirect them and leave behind old habits that prevent them from sleeping at the right times. Even for the parents of the sleepiest children when this happens it always becomes a challenge.

Adequate rest is essential for the growth of our little ones. It is at this point that the body recovers and creates stimuli to enjoy the day, improve memory and present a better performance both physically and mentally.

Studies aimed at children’s sleep have determined that sometimes we, parents, are responsible for the fact that our little ones do not sleep so easily.

The 5 Situations You Should Avoid Moments Before Your Child Sleeps


We’ll warn you about the 5 situations you should avoid before putting your little one to sleep:

1) Lack of a nightly routine

As children grow up, many parents find that they don’t need to create a daily practice at bedtime. However, this is essential for your little one to create constant and effective habits.

The best you can do is to offer activities that produce serenity: giving a bath with warm water, giving a quick body massage or head caress, turning on less intense lights, or reading a story are practices that will make your child feel calm and calm, which will make him fall asleep quickly and deeply.

2) Putting the little one to sleep too late

Children aged between 3 and 7 years should sleep at least 9 or 10 hours. Many pediatricians insist on establishing a nightly ritual for the little ones. With this, we can establish the times and activities that will be carried out before our child goes to bed.

If your little one doesn’t get enough sleep, he will tend to be moody and sleepy during the day. Therefore, you should put him to sleep before 9:00 at night. This should be a constant practice. The body will get used to it and your internal clock will always want to go to bed at the same time.

3) Excessive stimulation in bed

In this new age of technology, if you’re one of those people who takes your cell phone to bed or lets your child play on your cell phone during break times, you need to stop doing that. Watching cartoons on television or very loud volumes can make your child distracted and sleep disappear. Create a peaceful, pleasant space that allows your child to relax and quietly fall asleep.

Mom and Dad should also consider the following aspects:

4) Put the little ones to sleep in our bed


This is a situation that should happen very rarely. If we get children used to sleeping in their parents’ beds, we are helping them not to create a sleep pattern by themselves,  and not wanting to sleep unless we lie down together and spend the night with them.

In addition, the battle to get them to their beds will make them waking up and finding it difficult to fall asleep again. Another case is that they are afraid if we are not with them. The best thing is to establish a nightly routine in your own bed, accompany the little one, and encourage sweet thoughts and words that make you feel calm and safe wherever you are.

5) Lack of constancy

Part of your responsibility as a parent includes creating good habits for your little ones. You can’t give an order one day and forget about it the next . The secret is not in how to put the children to sleep, but in the constancy used to practice this act. Another key aspect is talking to your child and establishing bedtime guidelines. Make them comfortable times for the little ones too.

Just like eating, bathing and dressing, sleeping well is one of the most important lessons of children’s growth. In addition, rest at night develops the brain and makes the vital energy last long enough during the day, when they learn and absorb all kinds of knowledge.

Offer all your love and let your child know the importance of sleeping the necessary hours, no doubt he will thank you.

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