7 Affirmations For The Time Of Delivery

7 statements for the moment of delivery

Nine months of waiting and anxiety, sowing illusions and renewing hope. Two hundred and seventy-four days informing, planning, and designing. Weeks taking preparation courses for the time of delivery. However, things usually go the least expected way.

When you least expect it and in the way you never suspected, what you’ve longed for just begins to happen. The visa miracle suddenly manifests without warning. Of course, it’s all nerves,


and agitation. A mixture of feelings and crossed sensations invades him

However, it is important to always keep in mind a series of statements for the time of delivery. That’s why, in this “I’m a Mommy” article, we share a series of truths that mark the moment to bring life to the world. Enjoy and keep these truths in your


for when the big day comes!

Affirmations that will motivate you at the time of delivery

● This is my moment and I certainly can. Naturally, we women have the strength to face a process as complex as childbirth. We also have the right to assert our rights and those of the unborn child. Do everything possible to enjoy this unique and special moment in which you will meet the love of your life. Treasure every moment in your heart!

● My body is ready. Childbirth is a physiological act and is specially designed to give


. Don’t be afraid of this instinctive and natural act. Dispel each of your doubts, express your desires and fears, choose the best company and, finally, trust your anatomy. Don’t forget that nature is wise, give yourself to it and everything will be fine!

It’s the best teamwork! At the time of birth, you will understand that you and your baby will work together, side by side, united by the same goal. Driven by the same love and the burning desire to live. You will understand what harmony really is and learn to do your teamwork. And you will see that this shared effort will be worth it, life and joy will be eternal!

Mom, relax and enjoy! Your


will decide at all times. The “whens” and “hows” are usually ultimately determined by nature itself. Then you will know that your job is nothing more than to relax. As a mother-to-be you just have to let that so eminent and inexorable finally happen.

● Think positively about pain. Don’t see the negative side, think that each pain will allow you to see the light of joy that is to come. That is, consider every contraction as an approximation of your baby. Every minute that passes is a step forward on your way to reach his warm arms. There’s less mom left, and you’re doing very well!

Yes, I’m ready for love! The love for your baby will give you the strength and courage to go through this time of childbirth and many others, even more difficult. And no, don’t be afraid, you will be the best mother for your child. Believe with all your strength and embrace this faith: you are ready to receive that piece of sunshine that will teach you to live intensely.

The temporal will not overshadow the eternal. You may experience inexplicable and unimaginable pain at the time of childbirth. However, don’t forget that this pain is temporary. All the evil will disappear when you have your child in your arms, when you smell his scent and realize that love doesn’t fit in your body. Then you will understand that this, so ephemeral, that makes you suffer, will be replaced by something so wonderful and that will be eternal. For your baby’s existence will be infinite, and it will bring you the most unconditional and pure



Yes, mother-to-be, life is passing through you. It crosses you. There will be no greater reward than this small, harmless and innocent being full of


to give. He will be in charge of painting and flavoring your days with happiness. A blessing made its way inside.

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