7 Tips To Fight Childhood Constipation

Many children suffer from constipation. To combat it, in addition to controlling food, we must take into account other variables.
7 tips to fight childhood constipation

Children’s digestive system is more delicate than that of adults and it is a little difficult to get them to have a balanced diet, as it is typical of children to want more sweets and treats than vegetables and greens.

This obviously has a big impact on the digestion process because, although children have more favorable functioning organs, they can also suffer complications when they don’t eat enough fiber or don’t hydrate well.

Therefore, it is important that children are taught about the importance of following a good diet in order to prevent problems from developing.

You can start by trying to offer healthier foods such as a fruit salad. If the child completely rejects it, try adding chocolate chips or a different icing to start opening up to new options.

Tips for Combating Infant Constipation

One of the most common problems in children regarding digestion is constipation. However, constipation in children can also develop due to stress caused by parents and factors other than food.

So that you can know how to act, below we will show seven recipes or methods against constipation in childhood. It never hurts to know this type of home remedies, as they avoid having to visit the pediatrician’s emergency room.

1.- Pay attention to excessive sugar intake

As we said before, children are generally very fond of eating sugary foods. Sweets are very attractive products for them. However, there is evidence that when a child is under six years of age, it is normal for them to have problems processing sugar in food.

Therefore, a frequent mistake that mothers make is using jellies as a remedy for childhood constipation. These jellies are rich in sugars, so it is very likely that they are not digested correctly and only encourage the development of more gastrointestinal problems.

It is also worth noting that plum jelly, which is most used by mothers to combat constipation, is a very strong compound for children under two years of age. This jelly can cause gas, cramps and abdominal pain.

It is recommended that you consume fruit that is rich in fiber and that the jelly be prepared at home, so that you can be sure that it is a completely organic product.

2.- Eat grapes on an empty stomach

Another recipe to combat child constipation is the consumption of grapes because these fruits are easy to digest and help to carry out the digestion process, thus eliminating constipation.

To opt for the benefits of this fruit, the ideal is to give your child between 6 and 8 unpeeled grapes in the morning. So, wait about 20 minutes without eating anything else before eating breakfast.

Furthermore, to prevent and prevent the problem of constipation from persisting, we must check that the child does not suffer from any type of intolerance, as this is usually the cause of recurrent intestinal problems.

3.- Maintain a high fiber diet

The fact of having a good digestion process depends mainly on our fiber intake, as this is the compound that makes the waste to be transported through the colon in a more fluid way.

Thus, one of the recipes against child constipation is, without a doubt, a whole grain dish.

You can also offer the child a breakfast of whole grains and a fruit salad such as strawberry, kiwi or pear. In this way, she can start the day by absorbing fiber from fruits and cereals.

You should take into account that the amount of fiber a child should consume can be determined by adding 5 to their age. That is, if the child is 9 years old, the recommended amount of fiber will be 14 grams.

4.- Avoid some foods

There is no doubt that there are foods that increase constipation and are even the cause of this problem.

Therefore, we must avoid eating harmful excesses at all costs. The child should not eat sweets or treats recurrently. You should also avoid ice cream, cheese, milk with a lot of cream, rice and white bread very often.

5.- Pay attention to hydration

One of the recipes against childhood constipation has to do with hydration, as drinking water is not only something that helps us quench our thirst, but also greatly influences our digestion.

If it is difficult for an adult to have an adequate water intake, it is even more difficult for a child, as they prefer more “fun” drinks, especially sweet ones. Therefore, you can choose to use water bottles from favorite characters. If the container is flashy, the child may be more interested.

6.- Massage with olive oil and warm water

This is a very effective prescription against childhood constipation, as it is a trick or home remedy that has no margin for error, that is, it always works.

If your child is suffering from constipation, choose to first give him a bath with warm water that lasts for at least 15 minutes, so the body will relax completely. Then use olive oil to massage the abdominal area in a circular motion.

This will improve the intestinal flow and eliminate constipation.

7.- Control the stress level

One of the causes of childhood constipation can be stress, as children relate this feeling to sphincter control. For this reason, after being very strict with them, reprimanding them or demanding a lot from them, it is normal for them to have this intestinal problem.

In these cases, the best thing you can do is to take into account the result of this fact and talk to the child so that he/she calms down as soon as possible.

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