8 Benefits Of Drumming For Kids

Over the past decade, research into how music is associated with the development of brain plasticity and functionality has intensified.
8 Benefits of Drumming for Kids

Music provides an improvement in language skills, memory and behavior. Learning to play the drums, for example, can improve children’s skills. What are you waiting for your son or daughter to start learning?

During the growth phase of little ones, it is very common for him to become interested in various activities related to his personality or his environment. That’s why it’s important to insert them into the world of music from an early age.

Certainly, parents who have no connection to this world are usually surprised when one of their children chooses a musical instrument as a hobby.

However, the child was absolutely right in his decision due to the many benefits that playing an instrument can bring.

Among these benefits are: improving learning and language skills, promoting concentration, preventing depression and even developing a broader vocabulary.

Does playing drums really bring benefits?

play the drums

The instruments that children choose the most are the guitar, piano and drums. One moment! The battery? Certainly, more than one mother has asked her child if this is the instrument he really wants.

No wonder. Many parents already imagine the “scandal” at home or the neighbors’ complaints about the noise. But don’t be afraid .

Any musical instrument, and especially drums, is an excellent ally when it comes to improving children’s motor skills and mental capacity. Despite the noise, the results will be worth it.

8 Benefits for Kids of Learning to Play Drums

When the little ones in the house choose the drums as a musical instrument, the benefits obtained are many. Among the most outstanding we can list the following:

1. Improves physical and mental coordination

This percussion instrument is an excellent hand-eye coordination exercise, as children must literally tap the instrument to match sounds and create rhythms.

2. Helps with expression skills

To play this instrument, you need to move your hands and feet.

Keeping the whole body moving makes your little one feel full of energy and feel free to express themselves both physically and emotionally.

3. Inhibits aggressive impulses

The energy that your child deposits during training with the battery makes their mood improve.

At the same time, it allows the states of anger or anxiety to be proactively minimized and/or eliminated.

4. Increases the ability to concentrate and pay attention

Playing drums requires special coordination. For, during execution, one hand is used for a pattern and the other for rhythm.
Little by little, your child will improve concentration and attention. This in turn reflects on your reading and writing skills.

5. Stimulates creativity

Drum practice can also significantly increase a child’s creativity when exploring and finding new rhythms.

6. Improves social skills

By being part of a group where everyone is an important part of the whole, the child develops more empathy and improves communication with others around them.

Being around different schoolmates or bandmates will certainly allow him to develop a better interaction with people.

7. Improves reflexes

As the drums are the energetic part of the songs, it will require quick movements of the hands and feet. Therefore, this makes the reflection and spatial visuality improved.

8. Learning Perseverance and Discipline

It strengthens the commitment to learn, go to rehearsals and practice at home. This is especially true for children who have chosen to play drums voluntarily.

play the drums

As you have seen, there is no doubt about all the contributions that drums can make to children.

This energetic instrument allows our children to have greater expression and better motor development.

The important thing is not to force your child and support him if he decides to pursue a professional career in the music business rather than imposing strict discipline. The same applies if he only wants to do this activity as a hobby.

Regardless of the choice, your body will undoubtedly benefit from all the advantages that playing this percussion instrument can bring.

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