How To Grow A Plant From Seeds At Home?

Whether as decorations or to obtain delicious, natural fruits and ingredients, growing a plant from seeds at home is a good option.
How to grow a plant from seeds at home?

Eating a delicious fruit brings even more satisfaction if the plant has been sown and cared for by the person at home.

This is possible, even though we don’t have a lot of space. A small garden allows the growth of a fruit tree if done correctly.

Growing a plant from seeds at home is very easy!

Growing a plant from seeds at home is a phenomenal activity for teaching children and spending time together.

Next, we’ll look at how to plant some fruit trees as a food source or as a decorative plant.

How to grow a plant from seeds at home


The apple tree is a tall, leafy tree that gives a very classic fruit, with various forms of consumption and the most delicious recipes.

Therefore, we should choose among the many kinds of apples the one we like the most.

  • Remove the seeds from the fruit.
  • Place them on absorbent paper and wrap them.
  • Moisten the paper a little and place it in a plastic bag. Store in the refrigerator for about seven weeks, when the seeds will begin to germinate. Then some very fine roots will be observed.
  • Plant them apart from each other in a pot with a depth of between two and four inches.
  • Keep the seedlings at temperatures between 20 and 26 °C.
  • Place the vase in a place where it receives light and water when you observe dryness on the surface.
  • When they develop slightly hard stalks, they can be transplanted to the ground, taking care that there is good drainage and the plant receives the sun.
  • Fruits begin to appear from the seventh year onwards.

grow a plant from seeds

Loquat or yellow plum

The next plant to grow from seeds at home is the loquat.

This tree is strong and hardy, easy to plant and doesn’t require much care. Thus, it is an ideal option to have in the garden.

  • Seeds must be washed to remove possible traces of the pulp that would impede optimal germination and plant birth.
  • Place the seeds that will have been previously wrapped in moistened absorbent paper in a cup.
  • Cover the cup and wait several weeks. After a while, the seeds should germinate.
  • When the seedlings are formed, set aside the same amount of used toilet paper rolls as the seedlings.
  • Make some longitudinal cuts of about an inch and bend inward to close the rolls at their base. These containers will serve as small vases.
  • Add soil to the containers and plant a seedling in each one; sprinkle with water.
  • It is important to be aware of the soil moisture and water when necessary.
  • By tripling in size, they can be transplanted into pots. It is not necessary to remove the paper roll, but keep the periodic watering and place in a sunny place.
  • Upon reaching a certain height, we should plant them in well-drained soil.


This tree of Mesoamerican origin reaches a great height.

Its oily fruit is the main ingredient in many delicious exotic dishes, as well as being a rich source of nutrients.

  • Remove the seed from the avocado and wash it with water.
  • Insert four toothpicks equidistant at the height of half of the seed.
  • Fill a glass with water and place the seed so that the toothpicks work as a support. Place in a bright place.
  • At an interval of approximately three weeks, the roots will sprout at the lower end of the seed.
  • When the roots are about 10 centimeters long, remove the sticks and remove the seed.
  • Prepare a medium pot with earth and universal substrate.
  • Plant the seed and place the pot in a place where it gets some sun during the day.
  • Water when observing that the surface of the earth is dry.
  • It can be fertilized with products that stimulate growth.
  • Transplant to soil in spring.
  • The first shipment of the fruit appears in approximately five years.

grow a plant from seeds


The lemon tree is a short tree that bears fruit very frequently.

Along with the properties of the fruit, the aroma that we will get from having a lemon tree in the garden will be really attractive.

  • Choose an organic lemon to ensure the seeds are fertile. Remove several seeds and keep them moist.
  • Set aside a vase with well-wet, prepared soil. We will find ideal substrates for optimal seed germination on the market.
  • Plant the seeds so that they are about 1.5 centimeters from the surface.
  • Wet it with a sprayer and put a plastic over the ground.
  • Place the vase in a location where it receives sunlight but does not reach a very high temperature. In summer, the plant must be protected.
  • In the second or third week, the sprouts will be observed and it will be time to remove the plastic.
  • Maintain the ideal balance between sunlight, moisture and organic nutrients.

Growing a plant from seeds at home is not only a healthy alternative to our diet, but it can also promote family bonding.

A great idea is that each family member takes charge of a plant and that, based on mutual collaboration and commitment, everyone can feel part of the final production.

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