Children Are Like Butterflies In The Sky

Children are a flowery and diversified garden, in which each one, with its own characteristics, colors and perfumes the environment. Bees come for nectar and raindrops revive the earth.
Children are like butterflies in the sky

Our little ones are true encouragers and creators of new hope, as only they can be.

Children, like flowers, bees and raindrops, are different from each other, but individually important. So are all the individuals of the conglomerate of species that inhabit this planet.

There are those people who fly high with their dreams, ideas and ways of looking at life. They reach unimaginable heights and stay there to gain momentum in order to climb higher and higher.

Before the astonished eyes of their parents, children  sometimes achieve glories conquered only by adults. And then, they are recognized for their achievements, rewarded for their talent and achievements.

These tiny monarch butterflies colonize the sky with their presence alone.

butterflies in the sky

There are other children who strive to reach paradise and make every effort to touch the clouds. They consider themselves to have the strength and skills to do what is easily achieved by monarchs, but their wings are not that large, nor are they so brightly colored. Its highest point is always below its predecessors.

However, these children are as admired and loved as their peers. As children, in the end they shine on their own and become worthy of collective approval.

Children are like butterflies in the sky. Fly high or fly low, they are always here to remind us how diverse and grand they are.

Teach your child the value of effort

The effort is worth it by itself. When put into practice, great feats are achieved.

As a human condition, a person must be valued and respected. Effort is the engine that drives us to keep pace when we have little strength left to continue advancing and overcome difficulties.

Those who strive to achieve their goals must be respected, applauded. It’s someone who really deserves to be rewarded for achieving their purposes.

However, effort is not always a sure pass for victories. No matter how hard we try, in many cases, we can’t reach the goal.

But the effort does not lose its value in these cases. While it doesn’t guarantee victory, it always serves to remind us of what we are capable of doing, how much we can sacrifice, and the positive spirit that we have within us.

When we strive to achieve our goals, even if we can’t fulfill our dreams, we are left with the satisfaction of having fought, of having bravely surrendered to combat.

So we have to feel satisfied with ourselves and somehow happy. If you teach this to your child, you will be raising a courageous child and a future young entrepreneur.

butterflies in the sky

Children are like butterflies in the sky

Mom, teach your child to put courage and love into all your projects, even the simplest ones.

May he surrender without fear in the search for alternatives and means that will allow him to carry out his projects. Try and never fear obstacles.

Now, if no matter how hard you try, your little one can’t reach his goals, he deserves to be rewarded for his hard work. It doesn’t matter if your achievements fall short of expectations.

You must know that the world is diverse and not everyone can own the same victories. With that in mind, it is recommended that you avoid comparisons with your little friends. The act of comparing will hurt the child’s self-esteem, will arouse jealousy, envy and an inferiority complex.

Instead, teach your child to be at peace with himself. This is important for him to respect himself and be respected for his achievements, being able to admire other children and feel happy for them.

Also show him that he should feel good about everything he’s achieved. The fact that you are resigned to yourself will make you happy. Competitive and successful children are not always the happiest.

If your child is a tiny, not-so-bright colored spring butterfly, love him as he is, because he is your child.

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