How To Create A Proper Study Habit In Your Child

How to Create a Proper Study Habit in Your Child

One of the challenges every child must face is homework. While responsiveness depends to some extent on the child, the most important thing is to create an appropriate study habit from an early age.

In the continuation of this article we will teach you some ways to achieve this. It’s about turning responsibility into habit. Little by little, the child will take over the tasks naturally.

A correct study habit: a challenge that can be achieved.

The education of children is one of the sensitive points in their homes. In many cases, thinking about how to generate in them the responsibility of studying becomes a real challenge. That’s why it’s important to gradually incorporate certain behaviors, depending on your child’s school stage and age.

According to Eurostat 2016 data, Spain is the EU country with the highest dropout rate (20%). One in five young people drop out of school after completing ESO.

Among other factors, poor performance and school failure lead many young people to drop out of school. Accompany them in the first years and help them to incorporate


and behaviors to study, may partially reverse this trend.

Creating a proper study habit is primarily work-related. For this, we must control a series of elements such as planning or organization, concentration, understanding, and learning good study techniques.

working planning

the ideal time

It is important that children gradually integrate the study routine into their


daily. You should start by devoting 20 to 30 minutes to school assignments. At each stage completed, 10 minutes more must be added. boy reading a book on the balcony of his house

time of day

Another relevant point is to find the right moment to sit down to study. Many professionals advise that the study time be done exactly when returning from school, to take advantage of the momentum they bring.

However, depending on the child, it may be better to let them first take a moment to relax and play. The key is to respect the moment each day and thus turn it into a correct study habit.

The importance of the organization

As the child progresses in the level of difficulty and amount of study, there are more options. Tools provided over the Internet can be used to make the


more efficient. Calendars, diaries, and notebooks are useful tools for planning tasks, finding and jotting down information, and doing other activities.

achieve concentration

The environment and surroundings are fundamental. The ideal is to have a space in the house for school tasks. In this way, distractions linked to domestic activities will be avoided. Providing them with the necessary elements, and working in an atmosphere of silence is paramount. As well as taking care of the order and cleanliness of the space, and school supplies.

In addition to avoiding the distractions that can be caused by cell phones, television, video games, and others


it is important to distribute the times. For the most restless children, it is very useful to combine minutes dedicated exclusively to study with others for breaks and rest. In this way, a higher yield is achieved.

Tools to understand

Depending on age, it  is important that children incorporate certain tools that help them adopt an effective study habit. These will become perfect allies for the later stages.

girl doing her homework

First, we can teach them the following:

  • Comprehensive Reading: A perfect reading is useless if you don’t understand what you read. To get into the habit of reading and help with their understanding, we can, at first, read together with the children and ask questions about the text.
  • Underlining and diagramming : both resources are useful for understanding and study. Teaching them to discover the main ideas, then highlighting them and guiding them in drawing diagrams with the related keywords are excellent options.
  • Using study techniques : understanding the meaning of the texts, identifying the main ideas and drawing diagrams and summaries to visualize their relationships, is the perfect method to later elaborate summaries that unite the basic contents. All of this makes studying much simpler.

    Currently, no one questions the importance of


    . In this sense, the first stages of school life are key for our children to take up the study naturally. We must always remember that constancy, mutual knowledge and daily work are fundamental aspects for achieving a favorable study habit.

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