10 Sentences From “The Little Prince” Full Of Wisdom

Most of the phrases in “The Little Prince” have many good messages.
10 sentences from “The Little Prince” full of wisdom

The phrases in “The Little Prince” illuminated several generations. Apparently, this work is aimed only at children. Yet thousands of adults around the world love it.

The most interesting thing about the phrases in “The Little Prince” is that they are simple and, at the same time, profound. The creator of the work, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, knew how to write with a wonderful balance. That’s why this work transcended and continues to transcend generations.

There are some phrases from “The Little Prince” that deserve to be exalted and always remembered. Next, let’s look at a small selection of them. Many others were left out, but this short list gives a general idea of ​​the greatness of this work.

Time, a common theme in the phrases of “The Little Prince”

Time is one of the subjects that appear frequently in “The Little Prince”. The following sentence, for example, alludes to this theme: “Men no longer have time to know anything. They buy everything ready-made in stores. But since there are no friend shops, men no longer have friends.”

In this sentence, there is a criticism in haste, the little time we dedicate to the most important. It is a phrase whose message is reiterated in this other: “It was the time you wasted with your rose that made your rose so important.” It refers to the fact that the value of things depends directly on the time devoted to them.

phrases from “The Little Prince”

about the path

The Little Prince said: “When you keep moving forward, you can’t even go far…” Here, we talk about the importance of breaking the barrier of inertia. Variations and changes allow you to move forward. On the other hand, remaining immutable makes little progress.

look and see

This is one of the most quoted phrases in “The Little Prince”. It goes like this: “Here is my secret. It’s very simple: you can only see well with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.” It is related to the difference between seeing with the heart and with the eyes. The heart sees much more beyond appearances, it allows you to reach the essence.

In the desert

Much of the plot of “The Little Prince” takes place in the desert. Symbolically, in an uninhabited and inhospitable territory. However, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry invites us to see it differently. He says: “What makes the desert beautiful is that it hides a well somewhere.” It’s an invitation to hope.

Judging yourself and others

One of the sentences in “The Little Prince” goes like this: “It is much more difficult to judge yourself than to judge others. If you can judge yourself well, here is a true sage.” The aim is to highlight the difficulty of consciously looking at yourself. It is always simpler to see the mistakes and failures of others.

the meaning of the stars

Many of the phrases in “The Little Prince” emphasize that reality is meaningless in itself. Each person with their experiences gives meaning to what exists. What is wonderfully said here: “When you look at the sky at night, because I will inhabit one of them, because in one of them I will be laughing, then it will be as if all the stars laughed at you! And you will have stars that know how to laugh!”

phrases from “The Little Prince”

better enjoy than reason

This extraordinary work speaks several times about sensitivity as a source of wisdom. In one excerpt, it is stated: “One should never listen to flowers. Just look at them, breathe in the perfume. Mine embalmed the planet, but I wasn’t content with that.” It means that sometimes words prevent you from enjoying the essence of things.

captivate things

The word “captivate” has a very special meaning in “The Little Prince”. And it means, as he says, “to create bonds”. On this subject, a beautiful sentence says: “You only know well the things that captivated.” To “captivate” something it is necessary to dedicate time. It’s time and captivation that transform someone ordinary into a special being.

sometimes you cry a little

Associated with the previous theme, one of the sentences of “The Little Prince” also reads: “We run the risk of crying a little when we let ourselves be captivated…” This means that it is inevitable to suffer when you create bonds with someone. There is no affection that does not involve a little pain either.

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