Don’t Be An Absentee Parent, Be A Present Parent

Don’t be an absentee parent, be a present parent to all your children, toddlers and even older children who you may feel don’t need you as much. Whether you’re short on time or away from home, there are likewise always ways to connect with them and enjoy all the happiness you have to share.

Are you leaving for a few days for family reasons? So keep your cell phone on even at night, because if any of your


need something or ask a question, will know how you are or maybe just hear your voice.

Does the pressure of work always keep you stuck in the office? You’re lucky, we’re in an age of chat, email and video calling. Use these means to

to communicate

with your children when I can’t be physically with you. Children are natives of the 21st century digital age: they will love using technology to feel close to you. Of course they will prefer to hug and kiss you, but the fact that they can have your attention, even during work hours, will make them feel good. father and son

Do you come home when they are already asleep? Go and kiss them goodnight, although they don’t realize it, stay with them in bed the next morning before you leave for work. Take this time to plan outings and games for the weekend.

Dad, here at Sou Mama we just want to help you connect and maintain the bond with the most important people in the world: your children.

the absent father

The absent father is the one who is emotionally distant from his children. Since whether or not living in the same house, this father cannot establish emotional bonds with his children, perhaps because he minimizes the subject, either because he has a lot of work and little time, or even because he does not know how to relate fine with them.

An absentee parent is away from their children at the most important moments: when they need advice, when they need a hug, or a kiss, to carry them in their arms, or to clear up a question.

Although they share the same table at meals, or even share the sofa for

watch TV

, an absent father and his children remain as far apart as the poles of the earth.

How do these absent parents come about?

Absent parents were often raised by other parents with similar characteristics, meaning that they also grew up with emotional needs and did not receive the teaching of affection and attachment from their parents.

There are absent parents who are social victims. They were raised in an environment where men are seen as tough individuals who have the role of providing financial support to the family, and they feel that it is women who are responsible for providing care for the children.

However, there are absent parents who were raised with love, received the best education of all, but their selfishness, narcissism and little empathy do not allow them to be sensitive people.

As can be seen, the origins of these parents vary greatly.

 Don’t be an absent parent, be a present parent

Father, the children of the absent father grow up with emotional needs of all kinds. Among other behaviors and psychological disorders, these children may develop some rejection to


from other individuals. They are sad, despondent, and lacking in self-confidence people. Some become undisciplined and rebellious, others into very sensitive people who develop excessive dependence and attachment to other people, usually the mother.

So, that’s why you should know that as a parent of your children you have to be aware of both your children’s economic and emotional needs.

It is your responsibility to support them and give them everything you can. You should strive every day to meet their every need and ensure that they have a good childhood and that their lives are as pleasant as possible.

It is your duty to educate them and prepare them for the life that awaits them. You have to teach and guide them so that in the future they can do things themselves, whether it’s cleaning up around the house or teaching quantum physics at university.

As the father of your children, you have the responsibility and commitment to transform them into honorable, happy, upright men and women… It’s your job to listen to them, comfort them, encourage them, talk about the matters that interest them, demand them, value them, applaud them, reward them.

who thinks to be


it’s easy is very wrong, because both the father and the mother are synonymous with attachment, love, sacrifice, tenderness and unconditionality.

Be a father present to your children starting today.

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