What Does Your Child Learn From Your Attitudes?

The first years of a child’s life are exactly the most important for their formation.
What does your child learn from your attitudes?

It is in the early years of life that children generally capture all the information their parents provide. They absorb all your attitudes naturally.

Over time, what she learns comes to form a large part of her personality. Of course, a child’s personality will develop over the course of his life. But it is necessary that you take care of your attitudes and behaviors when you are with your child. Thus, you will encourage good values ​​that will help you in your daily life.

Before you read on, you may be wondering what your children have learned through their actions so far. If you are unsure of your answer, don’t worry. In this article, we’ll give you some tips.

If you criticize your child, he will learn to do the same with others

your attitudes

When your child is wrong, he experiences a moment of frustration. If you add destructive criticism on your part to that, he’ll only feel worse. In addition, you will make him insecure and distrustful of his abilities.

It may also happen that you criticize another person in front of your child. When your little one sees that you ridicule and denigrate someone else’s integrity, he will get that message. Of course, it will be on file, and when you least expect it, your child will do the same with you and other children.

He will put this into practice using his own words. Most likely, you will become a very unempathetic and very selfish person. Thus, you will pay special attention only to people’s bad things, forgetting the good.

If you ridicule and humiliate your child, he learns to be shy

You need to understand that there are many ways to humiliate your child. For example:

  • When you compare it to others.
  • By saying phrases like “you are useless”, or “you are useless”.
  • When you ridicule him in front of others using derogatory labels.

Most of the time, discipline can be confused with humiliation. It’s important for you to know that they are two totally different things. In fact, you may end up having a counterproductive effect on your child.

Instead of raising a healthy, emotionally strong child, you will make him a shy, insecure child, and mocked by those around him. The emotional consequences of this are severe. And, most likely, they will affect the child for the rest of his life.

If you are tolerant of your child, he learns to be patient

Patience is a great virtue that you can teach your child through your attitudes, with specific everyday actions. You cannot think that your child was born knowing everything. Therefore, you must tolerate your learning pace.

You should let go of complaints when you’re at your pediatrician’s appointment, in the middle of one of your tantrums, or when your child is talking and you’re busy. That way you  help your child to be able to wait. In addition to avoiding impulsiveness, nervousness and stress in the face of complicated situations that arise in life.

If your attitude towards your child is one of acceptance and friendship, he will learn to see love

your attitudes

Your opinion is important for your child to feel accepted and comfortable with you . Learn to accept it. Thus, for him, it will also be easier to see his virtues and his faults in a balanced way. This will make your child more self-confident as well as good self-esteem.

The love with which you treat your child will help them feel valued. Thus, he will be able to live in harmony with others. So help him to develop good, healthy relationships in the environment he grows up in and he can face any circumstance with fewer problems.

Before finishing this article, it is necessary to remember that, depending on your attitudes and your example, your child will develop good or bad values. These values ​​will form your personality, for which you are and will be responsible.

We hope it has been a great help and has driven you to be a better example for your child. Remember that it’s important to help you have healthy emotional growth, feel accepted, and feel good wherever you are.

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