How To Clean The Bottle Correctly?

The bottle is certainly the most used instrument for feeding the baby. Thorough cleaning of this object is essential to prevent infections and other types of illness.
How to clean the bottle correctly?

Any woman wants to play the role of mother in the best possible way. Each of the tasks that must be performed involves a small challenge to be overcome with great care. Examples of this are knowing how to properly clean the bottle and sanitize the other utensils used to feed the baby.

Much has been said about the correct cleaning of the bottle and other objects frequently used by babies. There were even some myths about it. However, what is really true is the importance of keeping these items free from bacteria.

It should be remembered that babies have not yet fully developed their immune systems. Therefore, your body still cannot defend itself naturally from possible bacteria.

When you put everything in your mouth, there is a lot of risk of infection. Therefore, deep cleaning of each element, especially in the first few months of life, is not something that should be done in any way.

How to clean baby’s bottle correctly?

Many techniques have emerged to properly clean the bottle and nipples, but there is actually no perfect formula for this task. There is also no manual that indicates what should or should not be done when washing these utensils.

However, we must keep in mind that, after feeding the child, we must clean the bottle to remove any remaining food. In this way, the multiplication of microorganisms harmful to the baby’s health is avoided.

Sterilization is a controversial issue with regard to the hygiene of bottles and teats. Some people say that this procedure is not important and that it only takes a little soap and water. However, sterilization is sometimes necessary, especially when these utensils are used for the first time.


A esterilização de mamadeiras e bicos é uma questão controversa

We can put into practice two simple methods to sterilize the bottle:

With the microwave

To perform this type of procedure, it is necessary to have a special microwave sterilizer. It is nothing more than a container with holes in the top or base, where you add water and introduce the items you want to sterilize.

However, before putting this method into practice, we must check that there is no triangle with the letters ‘PA’ on the bottle, as those that contain it can be damaged with this type of sterilization.


To implement this technique, it is essential to use specific products that can be found in different presentations, such as tablets or liquids. They are dissolved in previously boiled water and, after the time specified in the instructions, the bottle is removed and rinsed in cold water.

It is not advisable to use the same inserts for multiple applications. We must use a new one each time this procedure is applied.

Clean with soap and water only: is it enough?

This is the most efficient and common method among mothers, as the materials are plentiful and at hand, as well as being simple and practical. Once the baby has finished eating, the bottle should be washed so that the food does not stick together. The same applies to the nozzle and the cap.

When we wash the baby bottle, we must sponge it well with detergent in all places, especially on the screw and on the edges, as these places usually accumulate a lot of residue.

In addition, there are also special brushes to make this task easier. Thanks to their design, they reach places impossible to reach with your hands and sponge.

Clean only with soap and water

When you finish washing, the best thing to do is to let all parts dry in a cool and natural way. They can be placed upside down so that all the drops run out, thus avoiding the use of tea towels to speed up drying. That’s because the cloths can harbor microorganisms that would make the baby sick.

When everything is completely dry, all parts of the bottle should be stored in a place free from moisture and dust. If the baby is fed with several bottles, then we must do the same procedure with all of them. In this way, we will ensure that all these objects are free from germs and bacteria.

In short

Remember that there is no definitive protocol for how to clean the bottle correctly. But you can take several ideas or tips and adapt them to your possibilities. Keep in mind that there are very inexpensive options that will also help you maintain optimal hygiene for all your baby’s items.

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