How To Improve Children’s Visual Memory?

Developing a good visual memory will influence children’s academic success. In this article, we’ll give you some tips that can help you improve this ability in a fun way.
How to improve children's visual memory?

Finding a way to improve children’s visual memory is a topic that concerns many parents. So, as a mother, you should take into account that when your child is one year old, you can already start stimulating his visual memory.

In fact, this is very beneficial. Visual memory significantly helps to develop children’s thinking and comprehension skills. In such a way that, when working on its development, the role of language in fixing the visual experience and images is of great importance.

In parallel, with the visual working memory, the identification and reproduction of colors, shapes, symbols, letters, words and sentences is used. Likewise, recent visual experiences are also assimilated.

Visual memory, a component of this type of processing, can be divided into two: long-term visual memory, which refers to the ability to remember something seen in the past; and short-term visual memory, which is the ability to remember something seen recently.

Benefits for academic achievement

In short, visual memory plays an essential role in your child’s overall development and the skills he or she needs to succeed in school.

In some cases, poor spelling, slow speed or reading comprehension, and difficulty copying or memorizing texts can hide problems with perception and visual memory.  Visual memory improves the school performance of some children with learning difficulties.

Consequences of an inefficient visual memory

A child with a poor visual memory, therefore, may experience difficulties with the following skills and activities:

  • Identification and memorization of letters and other common symbols.
  • Spelling of familiar words and irregular words.
  • Reading comprehension.
  • When using the calculator, you may not be able to identify the symbols.
  • Memorization of telephone numbers.
  • There will be more moments of distraction.

How to improve children’s visual memory

Here are 4 tips to improve children’s visual memory :

1.- Playful games

Through games and games, children can enhance their intellectual abilities. This type of activity makes the work much easier, as the child will remember better what brings joy or fun.

Next, we’ll show you some games and word games to improve children’s visual memory:

  • words in sequence

You must start by saying one word and the child will say another that starts with the last syllable of the word you said.

  • recognize songs

Through music, you can play around to see who recognizes what music is playing first.

  • Lock languages

Word games are an excellent way to boost auditory memory. In this way, the mother can recite a tongue twister and the child must repeat it.

  • Repetition of series of numbers and letters

Children and parents should repeat series of numbers and letters that are written and then recite them without reading.

2.- Construction of stories

Start with a story like “Once upon a time there was an 8 year old girl who liked to play in the backyard”. Then each person who is playing should add prayers.

You should ask your child to remember what each participant adds to the story. For in turn, each participant must tell the story from the beginning before adding one more prayer.

3.- Observation and reflection

Watch and reflect. When you go on a family outing, take the time to look closely and discuss it in detail with your child. For example, you can go to an art gallery, a park, or a different neighborhood.

Later, talk to your child again, having him try to remember everything he can, describing the images with attention to colors, shapes, outlines, and even the surrounding details.

children's visual memory

4.- Information

Although a list of instructions or a document full of words and pictures can be confusing, well-structured text can help your child easily identify the most important information and therefore remember it.

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that training influences the development of memory.  The more opportunities a child has to train their memory power, the more likely they are to have a good visual memory in the future.

Therefore, it is advisable to start training and practicing from an early age to stimulate this vital capacity. As you will see, it will have a positive impact on many skills in school and everyday life.

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