Children’s Sport That Encourages Teamwork

Children’s sports that encourage teamwork have great value in early childhood education. They encourage physical development and contribute to developing social skills.
Children's sport that encourages teamwork

Regardless of what it is, they are a fundamental component of having a good physical, emotional and psychological quality of life.

Doctors and physiotherapists recommend that physical activity begin when the child expresses interest. It’s not convenient to force her to play sports if she doesn’t want to.

The appropriate age to start these activities is from the age of four if the child wants to. It’s time to get to know different options so she can choose what she likes. From the age of six, sports for children that encourage teamwork should be integrated into the child’s normal life.

Some sports for kids that encourage teamwork

World statistics show that the most chosen sports are:


Its worldwide presence makes it one of the most chosen by children. It is especially recommended for restless, hyperactive and anxious children as it helps to discipline concentration.

Children's sport that encourages teamwork

Football requires organization and attention. The child learns to think, for example, of the most correct move according to the situation. In addition, it provides numerous benefits: it strengthens muscles and bones, especially the legs, allows control of the body and balance, exercises and develops peripheral vision, as children have to understand what is happening around them.

It stimulates cardiovascular capacity, prevents overweight, since it requires a great series of movements, enhances the spirit of overcoming difficulties and effort, improves teamwork skills and teaches how to lose and manage frustration.


It is possible to play both outdoors and indoors. Therefore, winter or bad weather does not prevent children from playing.

Among its benefits we can mention: it contributes to the coordination of movements, stimulates concentration and reaction, develops agility and motor skills, improves muscular endurance and protects the cardiovascular system.

In addition, it teaches you to make decisions, solve problematic situations and promotes self-esteem.


Teamwork is essential in this sport, which is generally suitable for children who have problems with sharing. Volleyball helps develop the motor skills to move quickly, run and jump.

Even so, it encourages learning to wait. The child must wait to react to the behavior of his teammate or opponent. It also encourages cooperation, teamwork, increases physical endurance, concentration and self-control.

Children's sport that encourages teamwork


It is an option widely chosen by children and their parents. At the same time that it trains physical capacity, it focuses on building values. Companionship, respect for others and collaboration are the essences of this activity.

Furthermore, it favors motor development, coordination, response speed and balance. The child learns to know his own body and to control it, just as he learns to channel his emotions.

Judo allows you to develop strategic thinking that requires taking decisions in face of different situations that arise.

These are just some of the activity options. There are others. The choice will depend on several factors that affect family life.

time to choose

The choice of the sport that the child will practice must be made with their participation. You have to keep her opinion in mind, as otherwise it might create resistance.

It is normal that, at the time of decisions, family factors that influence this choice are influenced. The child’s age, physical condition, the family’s economic situation or the location of the place where the sport takes place are aspects to keep in mind.

It is helpful for the father and mother to prepare a list of children’s sports that encourage teamwork and show it to the child. They should include in this list those that fit their real possibilities. From this list, the child will choose what they prefer or what best suits their personal characteristics.

Children’s sports that encourage teamwork are proven to educate in the values ​​and social skills that a person needs throughout their lifetime.

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