5 Common Childhood Accidents In Summer

Common childhood accidents in summer range from a fall in the pool to a cut made by a crab by the sea. We must be very careful to avoid dangerous situations.
5 common childhood accidents in summer

During the holidays, children go out more and seem to be more active. As parents, we must be even more attentive. In this article, we’ll show you what common childhood accidents are in summer.

Common Summer Child Accidents: Why Are They Increasing?

Child accidents can happen at any time of the year. However, in the summer period, they increase. Because? Basically because,  with the warm and pleasant days, we do more activities outdoors or at home. Then, dangers appear.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that we should forbid children from having fun or anything, but rather keep in mind that they are more likely to get hurt during the summer vacation.

Also, we shouldn’t overlook the fact that  if we travel to a place unknown to them, they will want to explore everything and walk through places that can be dangerous … and so they end up getting hurt without even realizing it!

Children between one and four years of age are more vulnerable to bumps, falls and accidents. Especially if they are boys, as girls are generally more cautious and calm. Of course, this is not a rule.

One in four childhood accidents is caused by a lack of basic prevention measures. That is, due to lack of surveillance or carelessness on the part of parents. But of course we cannot be 100% aware of them. And even if that were the case, they could fall or get hurt in a matter of seconds.

What are common childhood accidents in summer?

The vacation and family break season seems to be the “ideal” time for bumps, falls and accidents. These are the most common ones during the summer season:

1. Falls into the pool

If we have a swimming pool at home or if we go to a place where there is one,  we must be very careful that the child does not walk too close to the edge. Falls into water are very common and can be fatal if children are not rescued in time.

To prevent falls into the water, you should put fences around the pool or keep them out of this area, especially if the floor is wet.

2. Bike accidents

When it’s hot, it’s normal to go to the park or ride the bike around the block. Children need time to learn to master it, and in the meantime they fall, lose their balance or hit people, trees or things on the street. 

While the child is learning to ride a bicycle, parents should stay as close to the child as possible. Wearing a helmet is an excellent way to avoid blows to the head.

3. Cuts on the beach

Among children’s accidents common in summer, there are those that happen on the beach. For example,  when the child is walking barefoot by the sea and is bitten or cut with something partially buried in the sand. These threats range from a can to a crab.

As long as they still don’t know what’s dangerous around them, we can’t let them walk around without shoes. There are models that are very comfortable for going to the beach and that protect the sole, toes and instep.

4. Falls in the park

In addition to accidents caused by bicycles, there are also others that can arise in the park, more precisely on toys, or even on trees or benches, if children climb on them.

The park is full of children during the holidays and this increases the dangers: they can bump, get hurt, hit, etc. It is very important to be aware of their movements and games. And, above all, do not allow them to use a toy that is inappropriate for their age.

common childhood accidents in summer

5. Ingestion of toxic products

At home, we certainly store cleaning supplies in a place that the child cannot access, but when we go on vacation, we sometimes find accommodations that don’t take this into account.

One of the common childhood accidents in the summer has to do with the ingestion of toxic substances. If the child finds something that catches her eye, she can bring it to her mouth in a matter of seconds.

We must also be careful if we travel to the countryside or the forest with children, as some seeds, fruits or flowers can be poisonous.

In summary,  paying attention to children while on vacation is the best way to avoid accidents. In addition, having an emergency medical service nearby helps to treat the problem as quickly as possible.

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