The 3-6-9-12 Rule For Using Technology

The world is increasingly connected thanks to technological advances in communication and the internet. The 3-6-9-12 rule sets the age at which your children are ready to use and enjoy them.
The 3-6-9-12 Rule for Using Technology

Experts recommend the 3-6-9-12 rule to parents to regulate their young children’s use of technology.

Due to the great influence that computers, tablets and cell phones have on children, it is essential that parents take the necessary steps to make this influence positive. 

Saying that you need to take certain actions to achieve positive results is simple. However, the questions are: how to do this? What is the convenient age for children to start using technological devices? Will this rule work to control technology use in children? Let’s see.

Effect of technology on children

Advances in technology facilitate and enable interactivity, integration, communication and learning. The overwhelming and inexhaustible variety of games, communication and information, almost makes it necessary to have an electronic device to integrate the activities of this century.

However, this can become a problem for children if they are exposed to factors such as:

  • Lots of distorted information. 
  • Exploitation and harassment.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • People with bad intentions who hide what they are.
  • Social apathy or lack of interest in relating.

There is an avalanche of negative information to which children are exposed. For this reason, it is extremely important that parents ensure that they start using technology at the right time, according to the child’s maturity.

What does the 3-6-9-12 rule mean?

It is a rule that provides guidance to parents about the appropriate age for their children to use technology. It was proposed in 2008 by Frenchman Tisseron Serge, who has a degree in child psychology and psychiatry, in addition to being a psychoanalyst and research director at the University of Ouest Nanterre in Paris.

The French Ambulatory Pediatric Association approved the 3-6-9-12 rule in the year 2011.

The 3-6-9-12 Rule for Using Technology for Children

4 guidelines that the 3-6-9-12 rule sets forth

Rule 3-6-9-12 establishes a kind of ladder for children to progressively advance in the use of technology. Basically, the guidelines are as follows:

Before I turn 3 years old

Children are not able to distinguish fiction from reality. They are also not emotionally prepared to deal with technology. Since television does not do anything good for young children, it is advised that they start watching after age 3 years.

They say it can delay language and memory development, in addition to increasing the risk of childhood obesity. Parents should encourage their children’s interest in play and creativity. 

before 6 years old

Video games are dangerous because they are addictive, they end up controlling the child, causing them to lose track of time and spend many hours playing, which delays their psychomotor development. It attracts your attention more than other activities. So, before age 6, no video games or tablets.

before 9 years old

Computers hide many dangers that affect children’s development. Until the age of 9, they are not prepared for much of the information that circulates on the network. When the time is right, they should learn the rules of using the internet.

The first rule is that what is published is in the public domain. Second, what is posted on the network will stay there permanently. And third, not all available information is trustworthy. Therefore, it is necessary to consult reliable sources.

The 3-6-9-12 Rule for Using Technology for Children

Before 12 years old

Even though children wish to have a smartphone, they are not ready before age 12 to control it. Much less to surf the internet alone or create a profile on a social network. From the age of 12, they will be able to access the internet with great prudence accompanied by their parents and at pre-established times.

Definitely, the 3-6-9-12 rule is not enough. Parents have a responsibility to control the amount of time their children spend each day in front of a screen.

Furthermore, they must teach them to deal with different media. In this way, the children’s development will not be affected.

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