Nephews, The Second Children That Life Gives Us

Being an aunt is an experience as unique as it is special. Many women know the maternal instinct when their siblings have children. Perhaps you identify with this situation.
Nephews, the second children that life gives us

Nephews are the second children that life gives us and they come into the world to occupy valuable space in the hearts of their aunts. Claiming that nephews are the second children that life gives us is more than a simple force of expression.

Loving and experiencing the joy of having a nephew is about being a second mother, being a friend and confidant, and often also being something very similar to a sister. You support your nephews, love them like a son, and scold them if they’re up to something.

An aunt is not a mother, not legally. But it is certainly a person who will protect that little gift as much as a mother.

The importance of being an aunt and taking care of your nephews

second children

It may be that becoming an aunt happened before becoming a mother, or not. No matter what order things happen, being an aunt automatically becomes a blessing.

If your nephews arrived before your children, a kind of immediate love awakens. Motherhood brings out the purest feelings, an unconditional love that you thought was impossible to experience is born.

If you get a “Hi, aunt!” come after you’ve had your children, you can rediscover the magic of being a mother again and the protective instinct comes to the fore.

The importance of being an aunt is more relevant than is believed. An aunt is a creator of emotional bonds. A person capable of intervening effectively when the nephews’ rebellion ends up causing problems in the relationship between parents and children.

Taking care of a nephew is an immense responsibility. But it’s also a fantastic opportunity to offer the support that your brothers and sisters will appreciate and appreciate, although sometimes it’s not a premise to fulfill. The affection and respect of a nephew generates a satisfaction that can only be equated with that of being a mother.

Being an aunt also implies a commitment to love and brotherhood and allows this bond between siblings to be strengthened. The arrival of a nephew in a family becomes that powerful energy that reminds us that, despite everything, staying together in the end is the most important thing.

second children

Important aspects in every aunt’s life

We’ve already highlighted how wonderful it is to have these second children that life gives us. Below, we list some aspects of why having nephews is an enriching experience for the soul and the heart:

  • Being an aunt prepares you to be a mother. If you already are, you can taste that feeling again. If your kids are grown up, you’ll feel young again. Being around children with charisma and innocence makes us better people.
  • When you become an aunt, you also become an accomplice. You will become an absolutely privileged being when your nephew trusts you to share his worries, problems, or dreams. Trust is the foundation of any family relationship. That’s why being your confidant is invaluable, priceless.
  • An aunt supports a nephew’s emotional development and growth. Your presence helps the child to grow up surrounded by love, healthy and accepting himself. Get involved with her and be part of her life, help her and provide tools to solve her problems.
  • Aunts are made to distribute hugs and kisses non-stop. No matter how old your nephews are, they will always be worthy of your cuddling and squeezing.
  • Live and enjoy every moment with your nephews, after all time passes and children grow up fast. Have as much fun as you can. Be infected with joy, laughter, jokes and keep them forever in your memory.
  • Although an aunt’s job is not to impose rules, the task of educating is also her responsibility. However, with the lightness and tranquility of a friend, far from scolding and arguments.

In short, being an aunt allows her to understand that the work done by her siblings is admirable. You learn to see them out of the deepest respect, plus the gratitude of allowing you to do a daily exercise of love and support with your nephews. After all, an aunt is not just at birthday parties or special dates. She is present at all times.

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