Sit With Me Mommy: Your Son Just Wants You Around my

Mom, your son just wants you to be around. However, we know that the time you have is dwindling. And consequently you have less and less time for your child.
Sit with me mommy: your son just wants you to be around

In the same way, we are so concerned with economic needs, which only grow with the development of the little ones, and with the bills that arrive and need to be paid that the time we spend with our children ends up losing space in our lives.

But time, in its inevitable passing, does not stop. So, little by little, your child grows. Over time, it develops and grows as if that was suddenly its only goal.

The child grows stronger, faster, more responsible. Then, suddenly, the little baby who was in her arms at that time becomes an independent young man who wants to defend his autonomy in all the decisions of life.

So that you never regret having lost your child’s childhood, in Sou Mama , we remember that time does not go backwards. If you don’t enjoy every minute of your child’s childhood, she won’t wait for you.

Now, while there is still time, enjoy the pleasure of being as close as possible to this little being who calls you Mommy.

Your child just wants you to be around

Children’s spiritual needs: attachment to parents, affection from the rest of the family, and acceptance and understanding from those around them are as important as playtime and meals.


A child who has all of his spiritual needs met is a happy child. On the other hand, the little one who grows up surrounded by wealth, but who lives deprived of the love and attention of his parents, is undoubtedly not happy.

Mom, your son just wants you to be around. But as we know, you need to have a life of your own. You need to have moments of rest and contribute to the economic support of your family nucleus.

But pay attention! If you live with a lot of pressure at work and your tasks leave only a few hours a day free, learn to offer quality moments to your child. Below, we explain further.

Offer your child quality moments

While children will need all the hours you can devote, the most important thing is that these moments, even if they aren’t many, are used to the fullest and used in a positive way.

Your child needs all your affection. When you are with him, give him a lot of affection.  Cuddle, kiss, hug, hold, offer treats, sing, tell stories, tell about your life and childhood…

When you’re together, play with a toy car or a doll, lie down on the rug, or play hide and seek. You can also propose educational activities such as putting together puzzles, for example.

Share the painting of the same drawing or prepare a recipe in the kitchen. If you fix some broken toy your child likes a lot, you’ll be able to see how his face lights up.

By all of this, we mean that the time you devote to your child, even an hour a day, should not be used solely to deal with obligations. Bathing, washing your hair and brushing your teeth are tasks that have nothing to do with fun.

But if your responsibilities happen to restrict your time to just those activities, at least try to turn those duties into little games.

To play during the bath, for example, you can fill the bathtub a little and have fun for a few minutes with your child.

Offering your child quality time is also dedicating time to talk and listen to what he has to say. Paying full attention to your opinions and commenting on your ideas is to explain your doubts and understand.

Sit with me mom: your son just wants you to be around

The time you have is worth gold. As such, you should share and use this time to fulfill your obligations and responsibilities to your family and yourself.

To that end, we recommend that you make the most of every moment you can with your child.


At dinner time, make a dessert. At this point, you can talk about what you did during the day, laugh at the child’s antics and antics. Or you can still delight in the words she learned.

Instead of spending time in front of the television, leave it on in the background. That way, you can listen to the news while you, your son and dad sit on the couch to talk and give each other a little affection.

When putting the little one to sleep, know that five minutes of reading means a lot to him.  Lie in bed together and read him that favorite story so he can sleep more relaxed.

Finally, organize an extra activity once a week. You can leave the house to share family moments.  If you don’t have time to go to a park, for example, at least have a picnic. Lie down on the grass to watch the clouds, hold hands and talk.

So remember this: your child just wants, and needs, you to be around.

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