Pregnant Woman’s Graceful Slowness

The pregnant woman becomes funny. Although not all of them take their slow movements with good humor and positive spirit, as they should. It is not wrong to say that the bigger the belly grows, the prettier and funnier pregnant women become. At least, that’s what we at I’m Mommy think.

Below we bring you some of the movement difficulties that pregnant women can experience during pregnancy. You may experience them day-to-day or remember them more as a quirk of when you were expecting your child; we hope this article pleases you.

2 of the most common movement difficulties for pregnant women

Although each woman experiences her pregnancy in a particular way, there are 2 movement difficulties that become common in all of them:

  • the chronic disorientation
  • Movement difficulties with regard to motor skill

    Let’s expand the theme further.

    Chronic disorientation during pregnancy

    During pregnancy many women develop a disorientation that becomes chronic and lasts for at least a few months after giving birth.

    This lack of concentration is due to the fact that their focus of attention has changed; their minds are occupied with topics relating to pregnancy, their health, childbirth, preparations for the birth of the child, and everything that has to do with it.

    Another part of the responsibility is attributed to the hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy and the neuronal activity that, during this period, keeps the brain busy, making new connections (synapses).

    Movement difficulties of pregnant women with regard to motor skills

    Pregnant women, or some of them, start to break everything, bump into furniture, drop objects from their hands and make a mess even when they don’t want to.

    This type of movement difficulty is due to 4 essential factors:

    • The relaxation that all the joints of their bodies undergo
    • Fluid retention. Problem that causes your hands to become inflamed and have less firmness when holding objects.
    • Poor concentration or lack of attention
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome that causes some numbness in the hands. Feature that also prevents her from grabbing.

    Another of the causes that give rise to the difficulties of movements of the pregnant woman with regard to her motor skills is the little perception of the new state that her body presents. There are women who, although they are at the end of their pregnancy, still do not fully assimilate their new volume and the size they occupy anywhere.

    If before they passed through a narrow place, with their belly almost “exploding”, they still think that they can slide through the same gap; therefore, as they pass, they “drag” with everything that is on their way.

    Pregnant woman’s funny snares

    Towards the end we leave a short list with many of the movement difficulties and incapacities that the pregnant woman suffers .

    Some of them were conceived with a satirical tone because our team continues to believe that the bigger the belly, the more fun, happiness and joy it brings to women’s lives.

    We, at Sou Mama, ask you not to comment on what happened or happened to you during your child’s pregnancy, the pregnancies (because each pregnancy brings different experiences).


    If you have a problem or difficulty with movement that we haven’t listed, we invite you to share it with us.

    Thanks in advance.

    Mom, for pregnant women it becomes difficult:

    • tie or untie shoes
    • fit in jeans
    • to cut the toenails
    • See your knees when they’re still
    • shave the pubis
    • Hold the urge to pee
    • Sleeping on your stomach, on your stomach, on your side… If your belly is big, it will be difficult to sleep
    • Get out of the backseat of the car
    • Scratching anywhere under the belly
    • Getting out of bed without leaning on your hands
    • Change position while lying down
    • wash feet
    • Enter through the bus door
    • sneeze without peeing
    • shave the legs
    • Look at the pot when it’s on the stove
    • hug your husband or be hugged
    • Get up off the ground unaided

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