4 Activities To Work On Writing At Home

Do you want to know some ideas to work writing expression at home in a fun way? So keep reading!
4 activities to work on written expression at home

Writing is one of the most complex skills that human beings need to acquire. This cognitive ability implies developing a certain visual and motor coordination, in addition to having attention and planning resources, mastery of grammar and spelling of a language, among other things. For this, it  is important that, from an early age, children learn to work with written expression, both in the school context and at home.

It must be borne in mind that  it is not only the responsibility of schools to teach children certain basic skills, such as writing. It is also necessary to take care of these learnings at home so that they are acquired properly.

However, how to do this? In the following lines, we will present some good ideas for working with written expression at home.

activities to work on written expression at home

4 activities to work on written expression at home

It is important to work the written expression at home in a dynamic and fun way, as if it were a game, as children should  perceive the proposed activities as ways to spend time with the family in a playful way,  and not as duties or obligations that they must fulfill.

Therefore, it is essential that these  activities are fun and stimulate the children’s creativity and imagination . So, in the following list, we’ll describe some written expression exercises that meet these requirements.

1. Continue a story to work on written expression

A good idea for children to practice both reading and writing is to propose an exercise in which they have to continue a story and write an ending for it.

For this, we can select one of the books we have at home and read the story only halfway through. So, we can invent a different ending than the one created by the author. We may also choose to download files from the internet created exclusively for this purpose.

2. Write a recipe

Another good option to work with written expression at home is to  write a recipe and then prepare it together with the family, so that the children have to describe very well all the steps to be followed, as well as the utensils and ingredients to be used.

This activity is very motivating for the little ones, as they can see that the exercise has practical utility.

3. Invent a story from a series of words or images

Written expression can also be worked with a game that consists of  saying aloud a series of random words and making up a story based on them. This allows the little ones to plan the intro, middle and end of a story with freedom, clarity and precision.

Another way to put this activity into practice is to use the  data to tell stories, which can be purchased at any toy store. They include a series of drawings from which it is possible to invent stories.

activities to work on written expression at home

4. Write a story from an image

Finally, another recommended activity to work on written expression at home is to search for an image on the internet that contains many details or use a drawing or photograph that we have at home and, based on  your observation, write a totally original story.

The importance of written expression

Knowing how to write and  express one’s thoughts and ideas correctly is fundamental  in today’s society. Therefore, it is important that children start to develop this skill as early as possible so that, over the years, they can improve and improve it.

To facilitate this learning process for the little ones, the  families should take care to encourage writing at home. This is not only achieved through activities and games like the ones described above, it is also important to lead by example and devote a few minutes a day to writing.

In this way, the little ones will see how their reference figures also strive to work on this aspect. After all, as Abraham Lincoln said,  “Writing is the greatest invention in the world”.

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