How To Face A Multiple Pregnancy?

Expecting twins, triplets, or quadruplets is an extra effort compared to pregnancies with a baby. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of this challenging but miraculous experience.
How to face a multiple pregnancy?

Pregnancy is, without a doubt, a magical moment in the lives of mothers and fathers. The wait is full of expectations, parents make plans and have various expectations for the time the new member arrives. However, if parents get the news that there are two or more babies on the way, the thought of facing a multiple pregnancy can be intimidating at first.

Surprise, joy and worry are some of the most present emotions when facing a multiple pregnancy. Parents are apprehensive, and no wonder. Fortunately, parents-to-be can learn how to handle the situation in the best way and thus reduce their fear.

How common are multiple pregnancies?

Several aspects can influence the chances of a multiple pregnancy. Although the main factor in this case is the genetics of the parents, health and age will also play a role. In addition, other aspects are also important, such as the number of previous pregnancies and even the weight of women.

Anyway, the chances of multiple management are still relatively low. For example, in Spain 1 in 95 pregnancies are fraternal twins, ie, that develop from different eggs, while only 1 in 250 are identical twins, that is, when an egg gives rise to two lives.

On the other hand, when a woman uses assisted reproduction techniques, the chances of a multiple pregnancy increase. The number rises to approximately 30%. Even, according to statistics, 60% of twins are conceived with this technique.

As for the possibility of a pregnancy of three or more babies, the numbers indicate an even lower probability. According to the Spanish Fertility Federation, only 1 in 8,100 pregnancies are triples and only 1 in 729,000 pregnancies are quadruplets.

Multiple pregnancy brings more challenges than a single baby.

Recommendations for coping with a multiple pregnancy

When facing a multiple pregnancy, some things may vary from what is recommended for single pregnancies. Here is some advice for you to consider in the coming months:

Rest more than usual

It is often said that pregnancy is not a disease and therefore a woman’s life need not be affected. However, this statement may not be entirely true in the case of multiple pregnancies.

For obvious reasons, a woman’s energy expenditure is much higher. Therefore, it is highly recommended to reserve nutrients and resources for the development of babies who are in the mother’s womb.

In fact, this is an important point to avoid premature births in this type of pregnancy. For example, lying on the left side will help a pregnant woman to stimulate the blood flow and, consequently, the nutrition of the babies.

Track your health and that of babies

Periodic control with the gynecologist is essential in any pregnancy. In the case of multiple pregnancies, these checks are even more important.

Furthermore, the increased nutritional demands discussed above may lead to the need to consume food supplements. Among the most common are iron, folic acid, calcium and vitamins. All these elements are essential for the proper development of babies.

take care of your diet

The weight gain will be even greater than that of a single baby pregnancy. As the body will direct many resources to the development of babies, having a balanced diet becomes essential.

It is therefore recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions for each case. Vegetables, fruits, cereals and abundant water consumption are great allies for women’s health at this stage.

Get used to getting help

Both during pregnancy and beyond, the mother knows that she will have to deal with two or more babies, not just one. So don’t feel bad about getting help.

Many women get hurt by being overprotective or wanting to do everything themselves. In fact, it’s not the best option. Don’t feel guilty if you have to be absent from work, for not being able to do anything at home, or if your mother is at your service all afternoon. You and your little ones not only need this help, you deserve it.

Risks associated with multiple pregnancies

According to the publications of the Spanish Society of Fertility, facing a multiple pregnancy implies the possibility of suffering certain complications. Here are some examples:

for babies

  • More than half of double pregnancies and almost 90% of triple pregnancies do not reach the 37th week of pregnancy, which leads to premature birth.
  • The greater the number of babies, the greater the possibility of being born with low birth weight.
  • Risk of slower intrauterine growth.
  • In cases of serious complications, the chances of suffering miscarriages or neonatal deaths are greater in multiple pregnancies.

Chances of premature birth increase in a multiple pregnancy

for mothers

  • Symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, fatigue and excessive weight gain are more frequent and more intense.
  • In general, multiple pregnancies favor the appearance of arterial hypertension.
  • The chances of suffering from gestational diabetes are increased.
  • In the case of twins, cesarean delivery occurs in more than half of the cases. For triple babies or more, it is always recommended.

However, it should be noted that many multiple pregnancies develop perfectly. Having a multiple pregnancy does not necessarily indicate an unavoidable risk. To wake up a specific alert must be combined with other factors.

Anyway, with the advice above, facing a multiple pregnancy can become a more peaceful experience. In addition, giving birth to several babies so united since their conception will certainly provide unforgettable moments throughout their development.

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