The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Sibling Age Difference

If you are planning to start a family and are wondering what is the best age difference between siblings, this article can help you. However, you should know that this choice is unique to each couple.
The advantages and disadvantages of the age difference between siblings

The ideal age difference between children is a question that plagues many parents who are planning their family life. The age difference between siblings is an important debate and, unfortunately, there is no universal truth: it all depends on each couple’s experiences and preferences. We’ll look at the pros and cons of each choice below.

Choosing the age difference between siblings

What is better? That the brothers are one, two or three years apart? Or that the age difference between the siblings is greater, in order to have a rest after the painful stage of the first months? Millions of parents around the world ask themselves this every day.

The answer to these questions will depend on who answers them. According to their own childhood experience, each one will choose or suggest what seems most appropriate. What is certain is that both situations have their upside and downside, like almost everything else in life.

Therefore, in this article we intend to review the main aspects that make up this complex decision.

Advantages of a small age difference

  • Education. It will be possible to provide a similar education as children will go through childhood, puberty and adolescence at almost the same time.
  • Fellowship. If the children get along well – something that also depends to a great extent on their parents – they will be able to have a partner at all times. In addition, they can help each other with chores or play a sport together. When they are older, they can even share groups of friends and go out at night together.
  • Practice. Many fathers report that they have become unaccustomed to diapers, sleepless nights and breastfeeding (in the case of mothers), when they suddenly have to start all over again years later with another child. If the age difference is small, these activities will continue on an ongoing basis.

    Disadvantages of a small age difference

    • Double work. When you have two small children, the demands are multiplied. In particular, the stage of diapers or complications is shared to establish a sleep routine.
    • Duplicated spending. Likewise, you will also need to face the costs of diapers, hygiene items and clothing at the same time.
    • Jealousy. It can happen that a child is jealous when his brother gets something and he doesn’t. This is a delicate aspect that must also be considered.

    Choosing the age difference between siblings

    Advantages of a big age difference

    • A personal protector. The older brother often takes on the role of “guardian”. In addition to protecting the youngest from any danger, he is also a counselor and shares experiences that can help a lot.
    • Conflicts of interest are avoided. If there are years of difference between the siblings, they will no longer fight over toys, television (or at least not as much), or argue about who gets in the front seat of the car.
    • A different worldview. A brother can transmit cultural, musical and any other tastes and knowledge that generate a more open perspective of the world. Without a doubt, it is an indispensable source of knowledge.
    • Collaboration with creation. After a certain age, the eldest son can collaborate taking care of his brother, or even take on some household responsibilities to help the parents.
    • Saving clothes and other items. It is possible to reuse the older brother’s old things to dress the younger one, as well as reuse cribs, bathtubs and school supplies.

    Disadvantages of a large age difference

    • Jealousy. The fact of being older does not mean that the child cannot feel left out. It is important to continue giving the older brother the same importance that he had before the baby brother was born.
    • Back to the fight. The couple will have to put aside the situation of independence acquired when their eldest son grew up. Now, parents are back to the intense care stage that every young child needs.

    true love between brothers

    Big or small age difference?

    Obviously, there are common denominators in both cases: the main one is the true love one feels for a brother. If the age difference between the siblings is small, this will be seen in their daily lives, in their games, in the activities they do together and in conversations.

    On the other hand, when there are a few more years of difference, it’s true that maybe they don’t share many activities throughout the day, but still, it’s still beautiful to see how the younger brother has the older brother as an example and that he makes an effort so that his little brother is well and that he doesn’t lack for anything.

    As we said before, the choice will depend on the couple’s situation, both emotionally and financially, availability at work, etc. What is important is that children grow up in a pleasant environment, with the support of their parents and the attention they deserve. Over time, the siblings are sure to love each other regardless of the age difference.

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