Reasons To Breastfeed Your Baby

Reasons to breastfeed your baby

To breastfeed or not to breastfeed? that is the question. Much has been debated on this topic, with different points of view on it. There was even a lot of talk about the quality and benefits of breast milk. However, there are several reasons why it is always better to breastfeed the baby.

As is well known, breast milk is the best food you can offer your child  until at least the first year of life, as the food your body manufactures since birth does not only contain all the nutrients your baby needs. in the first few months of life, but it also boosts your defenses to fight disease.

However, breastfeeding is not only beneficial because of the composition of breast milk, but also because of the affective bond that is established between you and the child  while you are breastfeeding. By feeding your baby, you provide life and love, comforting, protecting and communicating with your most prized treasure.

What’s more, breastfeeding has benefits for both the baby and the mother. As grandparents’ knowledge has always reported, breastfeeding your baby will more quickly lose the weight gained during the nine months of pregnancy and also fight anemia, high blood pressure and postpartum depression.

Breastfeeding: benefits for your baby

As we’ve seen, nursing your baby is beneficial not only for her physical health, but also emotionally and intellectually.   But there is one more advantage of breast milk: it is an ecological food, which is not manufactured, bottled and transported, thus avoiding energy waste and environmental contamination.

As shown, there are several reasons why it is convenient to breastfeed your child. Among the benefits for the development of children that stand out most during the first years of life of every infant are:

  • Breast milk is the ideal food for the infant as all the necessary nutrients are there. In this way, food aids in healthy growth and development.
  • Generates and increases the baby’s defenses reducing the child’s risk of suffering from diseases such  as bronchitis, colitis, otitis, urinary infections, meningitis and also sudden death syndrome.
  • It offers support and attention, as well as the best stimulation for the newborn. Therefore, it is a pillar of their development as it offers security and strengthens affective bonds with the mother.
  • It has high amounts of lactose which becomes an essential source of energy for the newborn. In addition to large amounts of vitamin E, they help prevent anemia while the considerable proportion of calcium strengthens your bones.
  • Because it is easily digested, breast milk favors the baby’s intestinal flora, thus protecting the child from possible bacterial diarrhea.
  • It transfers the antibodies from the mother to the child, leaving the child with stronger health and requiring less health care than children fed with manufactured products.

Breastfeeding helps the baby’s intellect

Experts emphasize that lactation is not just an accumulation of nutritional considerations, as it represents a set of essential values ​​for the integral development of the child. Breastfeeding cooperates with the baby’s psychological growth, as it provides a warm human relationship.

Lactancia Materna - OMS

Breastfeeding directly influences the development of the newborn’s central nervous system, as through this natural action we provide children with greater intellectual capacity. This is due to the fact that breast milk has essential nutritive substances for the infant’s neurological development.

Breastfeeding involves tactile stimulation and body contact that are important for your child’s development, making it a learning experience based on interaction. From this situation comes nothing more, nothing less than confidence in the maternal role and a feeling of self-worth.

For this reason, specialists in the field insistently repeat that  lactation is the greatest act of love for a child  because giving the breast increases the love between mother and child. Only the simple contact with the mother’s soft, warm skin ensures the child’s tranquility and pleasure, which feels protected, cared for and loved.

Breastfeeding has benefits for you too

If the benefits of your breast to the newborn baby are almost numerous and very important, nature is so wise that breast milk is also extremely valuable for the health of the mother. So here we share some of the advantages of lactation:

Lactancia Materna - OMS
  • It speeds up the recovery of the maternal uterus, which regains its shape and size, ruling out possible postpartum hemorrhages and infections.
  • Increases the interval between pregnancies.
  • It reduces the risk of breast, uterine and ovarian cancer.
  • Breastfeeding helps you get back into shape faster as it mobilizes fat stores. Yes, effectively breastfeeding favors the recovery of your silhouette.
  • When you breastfeed, you release oxytocin, the love hormone, which promotes the mother-child bond. Thus, it increases the sense of unity and happiness.
  • Lactation  reduces the chance of having osteoporosis.

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