10 Baby Fun Facts You May Not Know

That babies are amazing beings you already know. That you could spend hours and hours looking at them too. But… let’s surprise you with these 10 fun facts about babies that you might not know.
10 fun facts about babies you might not know

Having a baby is just magic. Seeing how it grows and acquires new skills every day is surprising.

Although we think we know everything about our little ones, there are some curious facts that you certainly didn’t know that will make you believe even more in the magic of your baby’s development.

  • Did you know that it is normal for a newborn baby to give milk? It may sound strange, but this is due to the huge exposure to hormones that was subjected in the mother’s womb.
  • Did you know that they are born with almost 70 more bones than adults? These are bones that, as they grow, will weld together.

Undoubtedly, the curiosities about babies are endless. Here we are going to tell you some of the most interesting ones.

10 fun facts about babies

  1. They have the ability to hold their breath from birth. It is also useful at mealtimes as it allows them to suck and swallow at the same time.

  2. They are born with a limited visual ability, which will develop over the months. The first distance they clearly recognize coincides approximately with the distance that exists between the mother’s chest and face. At 6 months the little ones already have a perfectly developed vision.

  3. They recognize the mother’s voice rather than the father’s. In fact, it takes about 15 days for them to recognize the father’s voice.

  4. Babies are the only living things that smile intentionally. The smile is used, in the beginning, as a survival mechanism, as it generates the first communication interaction with their parents, which leads them to turn towards it. It’s called the social smile.

  5. When they are born, the most developed sense is smell. In fact, they recognize the mother by smell.
  6. They cry without tears. That doesn’t mean they don’t have them, but they use them for eye hydration. In general, between the second and fourth month you will start noticing tears with tears.
  7. Seborrheic dermatitis. These are the small yellowish scales that usually appear on the baby’s head and are also called cradle cap. It’s normal and gradually disappears. It is produced by an inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
  8. The importance of affection. Babies love to be pampered and it is also very good for their development. Stimulates the production of hormones directly related to growth.
  9. They are born without kneecaps. The kneecap is the central bone of the knee joint. In its place is a cartilage that protects the femur. This cartilage becomes bone during the first 6 months of life.
  10. Can’t distinguish the salty taste. Although babies are born with an enormous capacity for taste sensation, a taste for saltiness does not develop until approximately 4 months.

A few more interesting facts…

There are many other fun facts about babies. There are statistical data that say babies born in May are an average of 200 grams overweight at birth ; or that every newborn has a birthday on the same day as 9 million other people. There are also studies showing that the baby turns his head more to the right when lying down.

It is important for you to know that each baby is a unique and unique being. The information we provide here is for guidance, so don’t worry if you notice that your baby takes more or less time to develop a trait or doesn’t strictly comply with everything you’ve read.

If you notice that your baby’s behavior draws your attention, do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician for his opinion. The discretion of an expert will help you to relax and enjoy all these details much more.

Without a doubt, the curiosities are endless in the world of babies, and perhaps the biggest one is that no two babies are alike in the world. What is certain is that your baby will only be a baby for a while, so giving it all the attention you can will be worth it. In the blink of an eye he will have grown up.

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