Newborns Don’t Need To Learn To Sleep: New Parents Do

All new parents become zombies when their little one finally arrives in the world. Some have an idea of ​​what to expect from listening to family and friends. But actually, they don’t know what it’s really like until they live in first person.
Newborns don't need to learn to sleep: new parents do

When a newborn baby enters their lives, parents really learn what it means to be sleepy. Babies don’t need to learn to sleep… It’s the parents who must learn.

new parents barely sleep

Many new parents are often surprised by how much their babies sleep, as they only wake up to feed.

When this phase passes, new parents will realize that it’s not their baby’s sleep that causes problems, it’s when he wakes up. The baby often wakes up because he still has an internal clock out of adjustment.

New parents become zombies by getting a few hours of sleep during the baby’s first few months of life.

In many Western societies, it is believed that it is the parents who do something wrong. That’s why the baby wakes up so much.

People sometimes ask if the baby is “good or bad for sleeping”. As if that somehow defined the baby’s personality.

Many parents feel judged if babies don’t sleep through the night, even when they’re just newborns.

In fact, it is not newborns who must learn to sleep, but parents who must learn to sleep at the baby’s pace.

Well, at least until he starts to adjust his internal clock with the help of his nightly routines and his own biological maturation.

learn to sleep

In many cases, parents don’t argue with others about their babies’ sleep. When they do, sometimes they can even lie.

Many parents look online for miracle formulas to teach their babies to sleep, while in fact they are the ones who must learn to wake up at night to feed the little one.

Newborns don’t have trouble sleeping. They sleep easily and wake up several times each night to be fed because something bothers them or simply because they need their parents’ warmth and affection to get them back to sleep again.

Therefore, new parents should learn to sleep without thinking that their baby has any sleep problems.

The Newborn Baby Will Not Sleep All Night

Babies usually don’t have sleep problems. But parents may find their baby’s sleep problematic if it doesn’t fit into their timetables considered convenient for getting enough sleep and rest.

You shouldn’t look for secret formulas to get a baby under 6 months to sleep through the night because there is simply no formula.

Aiming for a baby under six months to sleep through the night is not a real thing you can achieve. Thinking that way will only cause more frustration for new parents.

It’s true that newborns sleep many hours. But they also have a small stomach that will make them hungry every few hours. It doesn’t matter if it’s day or night.

the internal clock of babies

learn to sleep

In the first few months of life, babies do not have their internal clock set. Also, they have very small stomachs that quickly become empty.

Therefore, frequent feeding of newborns both day and night is a completely normal and biologically predictable phenomenon.

The brains of human babies in particular grow at an amazing rate during the first year after birth.

This is an energy intensive activity that requires frequent feeding. Something that only parents can provide their babies because they are the ones responsible for feeding, caring and paying attention to the health of the little ones.

In our culture, sleep expectations in newborns are not real.

This custom must be changed so that new parents realize that babies are not the ones who have to learn to sleep. It is the parents themselves who need to learn and understand how newborns sleep.

So, there is no such thing as educating the baby to have other habits. It is the parents who must understand and change their attitudes at this stage.

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