The 5 Most Recommended Fruits For Kids

Knowing which fruits are the most recommended for children is something necessary to be able to offer your children what they need. All are very nutritious and we can offer them both in summer and winter.
The 5 most recommended fruits for children

In order to be able to have a healthy diet, our children must consume all kinds of foods and nutrients, as long as they do not have any illnesses or food intolerances.

The fruits that we are going to present in this article are fundamental due to their high content of vitamins, fiber and other components. Do you already know the most recommended fruits for children? Find it out!

In this article, we’ll tell you what are the most recommended fruits for children so that you can offer them daily. Try trying out fun recipes with them, such as sweet skewers or natural ice cream. Good luck!

Why are the fruits so important?

Help prevent disease

Vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, minerals… Fruits and vegetables are essential in children’s diets because, among other benefits, “they help reduce the risk of developing various diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, among others”, according to the health portal “Faros”.

Therefore, pediatricians recommend that parents include fruit every day with every meal, whether as a dessert, as a snack, or when the child is hungry and we don’t want (and shouldn’t) give a treat.

In this sense, it is essential that you encourage good eating habits from an early age so that children do not feel “forced” to eat fruits and vegetables.

fruits help prevent disease

Introduction of Fruits for Babies

The first fruits allowed for children are apples, pears and bananas. Later, you can add others, such as plums, cherries (both pitted), grapes (seedless and skinless), kiwi fruit and pineapple.

From 12 months, children can also consume peaches, apricots, loquats, oranges, tangerines, melon, watermelon, mango and papaya.

Continuing with the advantages of fruits, they provide a good amount of water (about 90% of their composition is water), so they prevent dehydration in summer.

In addition, they also provide a lot of vitamins and minerals, as indicated above, and an interesting dose of simple carbohydrates and vegetable fiber.

An extra dose of energy!

In addition, fruits provide easily absorbed sugar. And at the same time, they provide much of the energy that children need and expend on a daily basis.

In turn, when consuming fruits, the little ones avoid the ingestion of other less healthy foods, such as sweets, cakes or flour, since in general they tend to be very satisfying.


as frutas mais recomendadas

What are the most recommended fruits for children?

Although children can eat all kinds of fruit after the first year of life, there are some varieties more recommended than others:

1. apple

It is the fruit par excellence for children, as it is the first one they eat (in the form of puree or baby food). In addition, it is very complete, as it provides fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, vitamins and carbohydrates.

The apple is very refreshing and moisturizing because its composition is 85% water. It is also easy to digest (especially without the husk) and contains natural, healthy sugars.

2. Banana

Bananas are rich in potassium, folic acid and vitamin C. It controls fluid retention and allows calcium to settle better in the bones.

3. Pear

The properties of this fruit are similar to those of the apple and, due to its sweet taste and moist consistency, it is one of the favorites of children.

The pear contains a good dose of fiber and vitamins, reduces stomach problems and can be combined with other fruits in desserts or baby food.

4. Strawberry

For some children, strawberries are a bit ‘strong’ and acidic. That’s why they don’t like them very much. However, when they taste something sweet, they usually love it. Strawberry is very nutritious as it provides vitamins, potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium.

It is important that you avoid mixing them with sugar. If you want, you can soften the flavor a little with orange juice, for example.

5. Peach

Taking care to remove the stone from the inside, peach is another of the most recommended fruits for children mainly because it helps them to go to the bathroom when they suffer from constipation and reduces stomach pain. In addition, it also provides vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

Now that you know which fruits are most recommended for children, it’s time to learn how to prepare them: there are many options! From a puree to a juice, passing through a smoothie and an ice cream or mixed with yogurt or gelatin. And, of course, washed and chilled in summer!

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