Why Keep Friendships After Pregnancy?

Maintaining friendships after pregnancy is something few women do. But that all should not to put aside everything they did before becoming mothers.
Why keep friendships after pregnancy?

Even though many things change with having one or more children, space is needed for personal growth and interaction with other people. Both fathers and mothers need to spend time in social circles to maintain balance in all spheres.

Since we know that the pregnancy process and the news of motherhood are not easy, below, we will give you some tips for you to know how to keep your friendships after pregnancy.

Tips for not losing your friendships after pregnancy

1. Always reply to messages

Soon after giving birth, you will receive many calls, texts, and emails from people who generally care about you. The best way to show that you value your gestures and want to maintain a good relationship is not to ignore people.

Reply to all messages whenever you can. You don’t have to write long answers, just two lines of polite answers.

2. Have some free time

Being a father or a mother is having full dedication. But we all need a little time to ourselves. Spend at least a few hours getting dressed up and doing some of your favorite hobbies with your friends. Just a coffee and a good conversation will help a lot to get home with a rested mind.

3. Make new friends

When having a child, the contexts in which you will live will change a lot. Now meetings with the pediatrician and at the children’s school will be routine for you.

So, don’t miss out on the possibility of interacting with other fathers and mothers and making new friends who may share many of your interests. It will always be very comforting to have a social circle that understands everything you face on a daily basis.

4. Stay focused on the topic of conversation

When becoming parents, it is very common that with people in the same situation, the most discussed topics are sleepless nights, vaccinations or discomfort when the children’s teeth are born.

But if you have single friends, find common ground you can talk about that don’t always revolve around the same situations. Time with other types of people will help you think about yourself.


5. Take your kids to some of your dates

Another secret to maintaining friendships after pregnancy is helping those close to you understand that your child is now a part of your life. Think of fun activities you can do with the kids and your friends so you can be busy with friends and family at the same time. 

6. Take some time for yourself

Even if you are tired and unwilling to do much, don’t let go of the people who have been important to you. Make an effort to check them out once in a while and you’re sure to feel a lot better after you’ve done that. Keeping your friendships active is undoubtedly critical to your well-being.

7.Make a list of activities you like

Now that you have kids, you need to change a lot of your activities, or at least how and how often you did them. Find a way to resume most of these activities and, if you prefer, to include your partner and friends in them. 

8. Find a balance

Even parents who are most concerned about their children should make room in their own lives to rejuvenate and gain new breath. If you like going to the salon, then go. If you want to play football on the weekend, go. If you want to go to your favorite band’s concert, don’t miss it!

In order for your family to be better off, you need to balance your family time with your personal care.

Other tips to breathe new life into your social life:

  • Never, for any reason, neglect your relationship with your partner. With the support of your closest family members, plan activities that are just for the two of you.
  • Keep the flame of your old friendships alive. Old friends deserve a place in your life, despite the big changes involved in raising a child.
  • Recognize your true friends. Many people may judge you for the change in lifestyle after giving birth, but only your real friends will understand the situation and support you in whatever way they can.

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