Pregnancy: Expectations Versus Reality

The experience of a pregnancy can be very different from one woman to another, even though as a rule there is one thing in common in all of them: there is no such thing as a perfect pregnancy. A pregnancy is a magical phase, when a woman gestates a new life within her being, but, in fact, not everything is as beautiful as they portray, nor as horrible as they tell. Every woman will have her own experience.

If you are guided by the pregnancies of celebrities, you may think that pregnancy is a time of endless dreams, that you’ll have radiant skin and a body that, even with a pregnant belly, doesn’t lose to those of other women. Although some women try to expose on social networks that their pregnancy is perfect, the reality can be quite different.

While some women feel that their pregnancy is quite difficult or very intense, others only gain 20 pounds during their entire pregnancy, while others gain 20 pounds even on a diet. The magic of life makes pregnant women face very different experiences. Even though it’s not as easy as they say, nor as complicated as you thought, it’s worth separating expectations from reality.

Pregnancy: expectations and reality of pregnancy

I’ll have an elegant body and I won’t need to buy pregnant women’s clothes 

The truth is, your body won’t look ugly, because a pregnant woman’s body always has some beauty. However, you will actually have to spend money to buy clothes that are suitable for your new temporary body. Panties for pregnant women will be indispensable for your comfort, wider shoes, bigger bras, sleeve shirts for pregnant women. Everything is important for your convenience.

I will have wonderful skin

While it’s true that a pregnant woman’s skin and hair become more showy thanks to hormones, the truth is, you won’t always have silky, flawless skin. There are women who during pregnancy and because of hormones get pimples and spots on the face. When it’s hot, you’ll also get a pretty oily face.

I can eat what I want

No it cannot. You can’t eat for two either. While it is correct that there will be times when you will feel hungrier than usual, especially during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, this does not mean that you should eat everything in the fridge and you feel like it at the time. The ideal is to be aware of what you eat at all times, and above all to follow a balanced diet for the sake of your health and that of your baby.

People will have more consideration for me

The reality is that there will be people who will take you into consideration, giving up their place if they sense you’re in a hurry, but others may look the other way, selfishly, just to not do you a favor. In addition, you will also find people who may ask you too personal questions, precisely because you are pregnant. If you don’t want to answer, just don’t answer.

You get a lovely belly in the third trimester of pregnancy

It’s true that you’ll have a nice belly, but you won’t know how to move either. When things fall out of your hand, picking them up will be torture for you. Sleeping will become an impossible mission, you will look like a sick duck walking because you will lose your sense of balance, taking a bath will be like playing an Olympic sport. Yes, you will have a beautiful belly because your wonderful baby will be growing inside you, but having this belly will make your life a little more complicated.

I will fall in love with all the babies that come my way

Not exactly. While it’s certain that when you see your first baby for the first time you’ll fall in love like there’s no tomorrow, actually seeing a newborn can put you a bit of stress. They will tell you that parents fall asleep, that they are constantly tired. Until, maybe you feel dizzy just thinking about how it will change your life, when you have your baby in your arms. Truth be told, it’s worth it.

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