What Is HELLP Syndrome?

HELLP syndrome is a serious condition that requires a lot of care during pregnancy. Pay attention to the following risk factors and their symptoms so that you can detect them as soon as possible.
What is HELLP syndrome?

It is called HELLP syndrome, a condition of pregnancy that involves great risks to the life of the mother and baby. This condition is characterized by a series of symptoms that can sometimes cause a complication of pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. Due to the seriousness of this syndrome, inform yourself about this condition and know how to identify it if you notice any symptoms.

Meaning and causes of HELLP syndrome

The acronym HELLP stands for: (H) Hemolysis or destruction of red blood cells; (EL): elevated liver enzymes; and (LP): Low platelet count. It is a condition often associated with pre-eclampsia. However, there have been isolated cases without a diagnosis for this disease.

It is estimated that this condition affects 0.1% of pregnant women. But that number rises to 15% in the case of women who had hypertension. It usually manifests until the third trimester of pregnancy and is more frequent in the weeks before delivery.

The causes of HELLP syndrome are unknown to experts. Although there is a greater tendency in the following groups:

  • Women who have blood clotting problems, liver disorders and high blood pressure.
  • Women over 25 and white.
  • People who have suffered from pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.
  • Women who have had problems in previous pregnancies.

Without a doubt, these risk factors can help determine the presence of this symptom. This is vitally important, since in many cases the diagnosis was confused with flu, hepatitis, lupus or hemolytic anemia, among others.

HELLP syndrome symptoms

The symptoms of HELLP syndrome are very wide and varied in each of the analyzed cases. It is often confused with pre-eclampsia or other illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Acute and persistent headaches, vomiting, nausea with a feeling of indigestion.
  • Tenderness in the abdomen, specifically in the upper right, as it implies liver distension.
  • Hypertension accompanied by changes in vision.
  • General malaise and acute fatigue.
  • Generalized edema and urine protein.
  • In severe cases, there is bleeding in the nose and gums, epilepsy, seizures and muscle pain, among others.

Sometimes the symptoms are likely to be confused with the flu. Therefore, the ideal recommendation is to have a blood count. It is also advisable to have liver function tests in all pregnant women, even if you do not have any symptoms.

Diagnosis of HELLP syndrome

To establish the presence of this condition, the doctor will first order blood tests. These tests will determine a possible hemolytic anemia , liver dysfunction or thrombocytopenia – low platelet count – in the pregnant woman or in the postpartum period.

At the same time, this syndrome can manifest itself with or without hypertension. It is also possible to have tests that determine the value of lactic dehydrogenase and bilirubin.

After being diagnosed, the patient must be admitted to a hospital for frequent follow-up, both mother and baby. The ideal is to stabilize blood levels and ensure prompt medical care.

In most cases, treatment consists of rest and, in extreme cases, a cesarean is needed to terminate the pregnancy.

hellp syndrome

Complications of HELLP Syndrome

HELLP syndrome can have fatal complications depending on the evolution of the disease at the time of diagnosis. The most frequent difficulties according to the treatment can be:

  • Seizures. They occur as a consequence of decreased blood flow.
  • Bleeds. Due to the breakdown of red blood cells that cause anemia and difficulties in clotting.
  • Renal insufficiency. Causes retinal detachment, pulmonary edema, liver damage, breathing problems or placental detachment.

    The baby does not escape the consequences of this disease, which, in most cases, requires the induction of labor or cesarean. In some cases, the child will present fetal distress, blood problems, low weight, respiratory failure and may even die.

    Is it possible to prevent HELLP syndrome?

    There is no way to prevent this condition. However, there are measures that can help reduce the propensity to manifest it.

    Some of them consist of frequent prenatal care with tests that determine the stability of the health of the mother and fetus. Before pregnancy, you need to exercise, control your diet, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    In conclusion, HELLP syndrome is a serious condition that requires a lot of care during pregnancy. An early diagnosis will definitely make a difference. Therefore, following up with a professional is essential.

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