Advantages Of Short Names For Kids

Choosing the name of the future baby is always an exciting task. You are sure to consider thousands of options. So, below, we’ll introduce you to the advantages of short names for children.
Advantages of Short Names for Children

Deciding what your baby will be called is without a doubt one of the most exciting tasks. If you’re looking for short names for kids, then we’ll introduce you to some thoughts on the topic and a list of names you’ll love.

These days, many parents prefer to give their children short names. This is not a fad. although our


have become accustomed to calling their children by two names, or even three long names, practicality is the order of the day.

This fact is so evident that long names are often abbreviated, and some famous film figures, for example, have permanently cut them off.

That’s how we come across Ben instead of Benjamin, Nico in place of Nicolas or Jen in place of Jennifer. The question remains : what is the origin of this phenomenon and what are the possible advantages of putting a short name on our child?

Why are names shortened or short names chosen?

This question could be answered by understanding several processes that touch the collective imagination.



, whether through the women’s, sports, cultural, television or information press, we note that when referring to personalities in public life, their names are abbreviated, achieving a pleasant effect in editorial writings, and in a way


it creates a greater approximation or familiarity with the figure mentioned.

Undoubtedly, it touches more in the reader’s or viewer’s memory to refer to Kimberley Kadarshian as Kim, or to Bradley Pitt as Brad.

The same thing happens in sports. When narrating the matches, it ends up being necessary to make the speech fluid to call the players using a single word, either through a


, the first name, or just the last name.

In this sense, the real names of great figures such as Pelé (Edson Arantes do Nascimento) have practically disappeared to allude only to a short word that identifies them.

Even so, the cultural processes of globalization have led to the unification of tastes for everything. Clothing, shows, aesthetics, and, of course, also the use of language. Anglicisms arise for being the


today the universal language of communication, and with it a taste for North American pop culture as well .

If we understand that the English language is a practical language and full of linguistic contractions, it will become clear that people’s names, although they are long, tend to be short.

And if the main influence in the modern world comes from the


American, let us understand why the use of short children’s names has become practical for many as well.

Advantages of Choosing a Short Name for Your Child

We review some of the reasons why names in general have been shortened. Based on this phenomenon, we can identify that the practical aspect predominates when choosing what your baby will be called.

However, is there any advantage for your child if your name is short? This question is difficult to answer because it will undoubtedly depend on multiple factors such as, for example, the type of name you chose for it or the language of the country where you live.

Anyway, at least we can consider some advantages:

  • If you decide to give your child more than one name, it will be simpler to call them both if they are short. 
  • For sure, the name you chose for your baby sounded the best among millions of choices. If it’s short, neither you nor anyone else will have to abbreviate it, and you’ll enjoy hearing it or calling it that name.
  • If you are a world public figure, with your short name, you will already be prepared to be headlined on the front page of newspapers.

Short names for children

Below we will present you a list with some short names that are also adaptable in various languages.


  • Ivan
  • Noah
  • Helium
  • noah
  • Elijah
  • Lucas
  • João
  • Ian
  • Ivo
  • Saul
  • Cyrus
  • March
  • Vitor
  • Alan
  • Paul
  • martim

pregnant parents


  • Eve
  • Dora
  • A-N-A
  • Rita
  • Nair
  • Nina
  • emu
  • Olga
  • One
  • Ruth
  • lola
  • Light
  • lia
  • Elza
  • Ester

Ready! Now you have some ideas for short names for children and their usefulness in today’s world. Let your imagination fly, and enjoy the beautiful task of choosing the name of your future baby.

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