How To Teach A Child Responsibility

How to teach a child responsibility

If you ever wonder about the childhood you give your child or worry about teaching your child responsibility, the first thing you should know is that there are no magic formulas or perfect lives. What we can do is try to make the little ones grow up in an environment that is dominated by love, respect and good habits. These tools will be the best allies in establishing the foundations and principles of your life.

It must be borne in mind that each child is born with his or her own personality which parents mold positively or negatively through their actions.

This is the reason why we must be a good example of a person, as we will always be the role model for our children and we will also be for many children, including their idols and their superheroes.

Generally, a child does not become irresponsible overnight. If she has supervision, habits and an organized life, she is very unlikely to become irresponsible. On the other hand, if she has no routine and what is seen is disorder in her home and disasters in her parents’ lives, it is very likely that the child will start to have problems not only in relation to responsibility, but also in various aspects of her life, such as concentration, self-control and the way you relate to the world.


What is liability?

Responsibility is a value that allows us to guide our behavior correctly  considering the consequences of our actions. It is this value that allows us to live in community, respecting and fulfilling what has been agreed with everyone around us.

In this sense, it is essential to try to help our children to be responsible children so that they are able to achieve a good development in their lives, whether fulfilling their school commitments, with the tasks established at home or achieving good behavior in general.

5 tips for your child not to become irresponsible

Below, we will give some recommendations to help develop the principle of responsibility, without this being too difficult a task :

  • Creating habits is a practice that we should follow from day one of any child’s life, as this will help both parents and children to have a routine that everyone will get used to in the family environment. Thus, the time will come when there will no longer be questions about the tasks of each one in the family. For example, when you get up, you will need to brush your teeth, sit down for breakfast, and get dressed for school. When you return, it will be time to shower, have lunch and take a nap.


  • If the child’s concentration level is not high, he or she learns to work towards goals. Example: it is preferable to establish with some precision the time of the activities. “Now it’s time to draw the science class and when you’re done you should study math.”
  • Explain actions and consequences : we should take a minute and explain to our children the reason for each task so that they can understand that we only reap the fruits that we sow. Always choose to say phrases like: you must go to school so that you don’t fall behind in classes and get through the grade with good grades.
  • Using your life as an example for your child : it is a way of modeling our children and making them understand our values; such as responsibility, ethics and commitment. Always take every opportunity to demonstrate them.
  • Set age-appropriate tasks : Always demand some responsibilities from your child. Starting with household responsibilities, ask the child to make their own bed or help water the plants. Change or increase tasks according to her age, but always supervise if she needs help.

Responsibility is an ever-present value in our lives, which is why it is essential in any child’s development. Based on the principle of responsibility, we give the little ones the keys to success. The best way to cooperate with their future is to seek to offer a dignified life, full of love and principles. Do not constantly question yourself for every mistake made, move on, learn to live by teaching and turn your weaknesses into strengths.

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