Is There A Right Age To Be A Mother?

There may be an ideal age for ourselves or for doctors. But the right age is the one you have when it happens.
Is there a right age to be a mother?

For various reasons a woman may decide to postpone motherhood. There are numerous cases in which pregnancy is postponed due to health issues or infertility problems attributed to various causes.

However, this beautiful phase does not allow for regrets or negative feelings. Therefore, we must always think that this is the best time. It can be said that the 20, the 30 or the 40 have their respective advantages and disadvantages in relation to motherhood. But only each woman can assess her own situation.

It is known that there are known risks according to the age at which a woman becomes pregnant. These risks are taken into account to highlight a certain stage of life as being ideal for being a mother. In this sense, we want to take this opportunity to generally assess the pros and cons of pregnancy in the three key decades of motherhood.

20, 30 or 40? Is there a right age?

right age to be a mother

A pregnant woman is not much different from another pregnant woman. In fact, it is possible that the age of a pregnant woman is not even realized. Generally, motherhood makes women more beautiful, fills them with light and transforms their energy into satisfaction and good wishes. This makes all obstacles to be overcome. Regardless of whether the woman is 22 or 45 years old.

As is well known, there are clinical risks, for example, in the case of mothers over forty years old. But if we consider that risks are present at any point in life, they become a fact to which a thirty-year-old mother is not immune. At the same time, it is known that the number of pregnant women over the age of forty is increasingly common.

Likewise, the number of pregnant women aged 30 and over has doubled. In Spain, women have more and more reasons to consider a pregnancy at age forty-five. This age until recently was considered incorrect.

But there is something called a “biological clock”. Despite being considered a myth, it was determinant in most of the pregnancies that occurred in women over the age of forty. However, even if the biological clock starts ticking in your twenties or thirties, it is not crucial in determining that this is the correct age to be a mother.

In this sense, if we want to be mothers, even if we are not planning concretely, when the day comes it will bring the greatest happiness of our lives. In any case, if the biological clock is already active, the news will be welcome at any age.

right age to be a mother

What do experts say?

According to experts, a young woman, who for them is between 20 and 30 years old, has more advantages in motherhood in general. In that case, they are considered to be more resistant during pregnancy . They are less likely to experience complications, and their babies are less likely to develop abnormalities. Also, they are more active in raising children.

Thus, for specialists, the ideal age ranges from 22 to 25, extending to 30 years, compared to pregnancies after 35 years. From a medical point of view, the advantages of these ages come down to health during pregnancy, the ability to give birth and the willingness to raise the child, which according to science becomes more complicated the older the age.

Another advantage of twenty years is that there are greater chances of getting pregnant. Young women are more fertile. According to specialists in reproduction and fertility, women between 30 and 35 years have 25% less chances of fertility.

Is age decisive?

However, external aspects can be a disadvantage to motherhood in the twenties. Factors such as a professional career and the search for social and economic balance can make motherhood difficult. These are the reasons why this subject is postponed.

On the other hand, according to some studies on the subject, the ideal age could be 35 years. The result was based on the analysis of the clinical history of approximately three thousand women. But not all experts agree with this statement. Even if there are social, emotional and psychological reasons behind it.

As a result of this, according to experts, to speak of a certain age it is necessary to consider several factors.  Like fertility, overall health and the social stability of the mother in question. For these reasons, if we seek to ensure healthy motherhood in every way, age is not the determining factor in this situation.

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