Is It Important For Kids To Celebrate Their Birthday?

If it weren’t for most social customs regarding the celebration of birthdays, no adult or child would mind celebrating this moment.

In fact, this is a day very similar to every other day of the year. However, considering the importance of this celebration, it would be a shame that some children did not celebrate their big day, as many of their friends do.

It can be said that the attraction that a child perceives in relation to their birthday is all the expectations that are created in relation to the party. In general, it is us adults who persuade children of the importance of having a birthday and celebrating. Therefore, most children are conditioned to think that way about this subject.

In this way, those little ones whose expectations are growing in relation to their birthday will give much greater importance to the celebration compared to those who have not received so many promises about an eventual party.

As parents, therefore, we must take into account that, if the child cares in any way for this celebration, it is appropriate to make every effort to celebrate this moment.

Why celebrate the birthday?

If we decide that we want to remember the birth date with a big party, then we make that moment something important for everyone. Celebrating a birthday allows us to get closer to the family, which is very valuable for producing childhood memories.

Besides, it’s a good time to remember the day your little one was born. In this way, we can also strengthen the connection between mother and child.

Likewise, it allows the child to feel loved and accepted, knowing that their world is important to family and friends. It is also an interesting opportunity to socialize and be able to join the group. Especially when you participate in colleagues’ parties too. These moments provide the possibility to share common experiences.


There are never enough reasons to choose to share beautiful moments with the family . It’s not just about planning awesome parties. Any simple family gathering is timely for the child to feel that it matters. Likewise, it allows us to get to know our little one better when we are in the planning stage or during the celebration. These moments are favorable for the little one to put the learned values ​​into practice.

Values ​​put to the test on the anniversary

In most cases, the birthday party is celebrated according to the traditions of each region and family. For this reason, the main values ​​relate to the way in which children learn to feel part of a social group. Preserving traditions and passing them on to other generations are invaluable lessons.

Learning to share, having more confidence in yourself, and being simple and spontaneous are also values ​​that can be developed through the anniversary celebration. For this reason, it is convenient for us to take this opportunity to reinforce the value of friendship. And, thus, make sure that children can enjoy beyond gifts and other material goods.


Appreciation is an important value to be developed. With the holding of the birthday party, the child’s sensitivity to correctly appreciate all the tension that was dedicated to him will be put to the test. For example, you picked a topic she likes and demonstrated that you know how to make her happy. You also invested money and effort in this celebration.

This special day when parents remember the birth of their child is ideal for expressing the love they feel. For all that, it can be said that love has been a value that stands out in this type of celebration. Planning requires love and, in addition, whoever attends the celebration does so out of affection towards the birthday person.

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