Why You Should Read Out Loud To Your Children Every Day my

It is necessary to read aloud to children since they are very young, as this is a practice that brings countless benefits for their integral development.
Why You Should Read Out Loud to Your Kids Every Day

Reading is one of the most important activities in children’s lives as it builds their minds. The best gift you can give your kids is to  start reading aloud to them when they’re small, before they even understand what you’re saying or can read the words on their own.

As your children grow older, you will shift into the role of listener as they read aloud to you. They will pronounce the words and find meaning in the sentences. Reading has many benefits that don’t always seem obvious at story time, but that  are more important than you might think.

When your children are old enough to read to you, don’t stop reading to them, even if they do too. The benefits lie in both reading and listening to the reading, and you can read together or take turns reading. Let your child read at school and at night listen to how he reads to you  and then read to him too.

Why should you read aloud to your children?

Below, we’ll explain some of the benefits of reading aloud to your children. That way you can start doing it if you haven’t already, as it’s better late than never too.

read aloud to your children

vocabulary increase

Whatever the subject of the book you are reading, your child will be exposed to a lot of vocabulary  and will increase their language, even if you may not be able to perceive it right now. This gives you a certain intellectual edge and will help you to develop better in school and in life.

Language patterns when reading aloud

Children learn to speak primarily through listening to their parents’ use of language. When you read to your children, they hear good language structures  and grammar usage, and naturally they will imitate you.

Children don’t learn about verbs, prepositions, conjunctions or adverbs out of nowhere. Years of reading provide a vocabulary  that will allow them to recognize all of this when they have to study the subject at school. Not only will they have a broader lexicon, they will also have good speaking and grammar skills.

thinking skills

As children read or listen to stories, they are thinking. This is the perfect time to ask questions and develop your critical thinking skills. For a few minutes a day, as you listen to your child read aloud or while you are reading to him, ask different types of questions about the story.

Thus, he will be able to analyze and give his opinion on various topics, as well as think of different solutions to the problems that arise in the story being read. Through these questions, your child  will listen and analyze the content, rather than passively listening.

Independent reading

The main way to encourage children to learn to read is to read to them. Little ones learn from their parents more than anyone else. If they see you reading, they will want to imitate you and learn to read too. Not only will they watch you perform an action (read) and want to do the same, they will also notice the joy and fun of reading a story when they hear you read to them, and they will want to learn to understand the words on their own. own.

writing skills

Reading improves language skills, which in turn improves writing skills. Your child will not only understand the correct sentence structure and be able to use parts of speech correctly, but will also be helped by increasing vocabulary to write creatively.

Reading stimulates the imagination. That way, your child’s writing will come to life when that imagination comes to life in their stories.

Moment of unity when reading aloud

The time you spend together is precious. After a long day of school, sports, homework and many other activities, the  reading is a safe way to reduce the speed of life and ensure that you spend quality time  without interruption to their children, because usually it is something that happens in a quiet space, with no distractions and in which only you participate. It’s a perfect quality moment.

Problem solving

Every good story is filled with many opportunities to solve problems. The characters are faced with all kinds of situations and look for solutions to resolve them.

read aloud to your children

Children are already familiar with problem solving in their own lives, but reading brings the experience of discovering how other people solve their daily challenges. This develops the ability to analyze situations and act accordingly.

Ask your children to provide solutions to the characters’ problems before reading the end of the story. Thus, you will be stimulating the ability to propose new ideas.

Analyze the decisions made by the characters and see if the little ones agree or if they have alternative endings to the story. Life is full of challenges and reading is a wonderful way to learn to overcome them.


When children hear stories, they increase their ability to focus on what they’re hearing. As they are captivated by the details of a story, they struggle to hear a little more, thus increasing their attention span over time. The more interesting and captivating a book is for a child, the more attention they will have while reading it.

Reading can prolong a child’s overall ability to concentrate. This extends to other areas and contributes to their having a better performance at school and in the activities carried out. Unlike screens, which affect the brain negatively, reading encourages true concentration. Children need to listen, read and think about what they are reading or listening to.

As you can see, these are some of the benefits of reading stories to your kids every day. These are all very important benefits for the lives of your little ones, who will grow a lot both personally and intellectually.

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