Your Child Needs You Around So He Can Sleep my

When the baby is born, sleep becomes one of the axis of its development. In addition, sleep is also necessary for the mother.
Your child needs you around to get to sleep

The key to both mother and baby getting enough sleep is to be close to each other. Below, we explain why.

Your baby needs you around to get to sleep and get a good night’s sleep.

Your baby has spent a lot of time in your belly and hasn’t been separated from you for a minute.

Now, he needs to touch you, smell you and hear your heartbeat to remember exactly that, when he was inside you and was totally happy.

get to sleep

Baby’s sleep is essential for development

When sleeping with our little ones, we eliminate reasons that make them cry. That’s because they won’t need to cry out to us.

When a baby is close to its mother, there are many advantages, such as:

  • Better regulate your temperature
  • Hormonal levels are more stable
  • The heart rate is stabilized
  • improves breathing
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Increases enzyme production

For these reasons, children who spend more time in contact with their parents are in better health, catch fewer illnesses, and gain better weight.

Improves breastfeeding

It’s simple: when the baby feels hungry, the mother is already there to offer the food immediately. So many babies don’t even start to cry.

For this reason, babies who sleep with their parents breastfeed longer.

The truth is that babies are taking more breast milk over time. In addition, they have access to more nightly feedings by always being close to the mother. No doubt this is beneficial for the baby.

It’s true that they wake up more often. But it is also true that breastfed babies fall asleep first, and mothers too. It is simply a natural process in the body.

get to sleep

Kangaroo Method

This technique is used in most hospitals, both national and international. This is because the so-called “kangaroo method” proved to be very beneficial.

Babies gain more weight, have more stable heart rhythms, are calmer, maintain a better state of health and can leave the hospital sooner.

The kangaroo care method is for all babies, premature or full term, healthy or sick. Without a doubt, it is the best way to receive and care for the baby.

Basically, it consists of providing skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding freely and providing the care that mother and baby need.

A healthy child will only need contact with his mother and her food.

If the baby is premature, is underweight or suffers from a disorder, skin-to-skin contact will be the mainstay of medical care that should be provided.

Getting to sleep: the habit of sleeping together

In countries like Japan, where sleeping with a child is the norm, the rate of sudden infant death is one of the lowest in the world.

You can sleep in the same bed, as well as having a crib specially designed to rest on the parents’ bed. Or, use a conventional crib without one side.

The convenience of not having to get out of bed, especially in winter, usually puts mother and baby back to sleep almost immediately.

In fact, the mother often does not know exactly how many times she woke up. Because, in fact, he didn’t quite wake up.

Neural development occurs at its maximum splendor in the less deep sleep phase.

Thus, by sleeping together with the baby, we not only provide more breast milk – ideal for the physiological protection of the little ones – but also reinforce their mental development.

Because they have food nearby, because they synchronize their breathing with their parents, and because they feel safe because their caregivers are very close, babies who sleep together with their parents sleep better.

This means that they rest better, during the day have more energy, are more active and, consequently, develop better.

The human race has practiced “sleeping together” throughout our history, since we were primates that lived in caves.

Only in the last 150 years, with the arrival of multi-bedroom homes, have we separated babies to sleep away from their parents.

So if both mother and baby really want to sleep together, don’t hesitate to do so.

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