Stretch Marks After Pregnancy

A woman goes through many changes during pregnancy. Some are concerned about how the body will look after giving birth. Therefore, in this article we are going to offer some advice on how to take care of stretch marks after pregnancy.
Stretch Marks After Pregnancy

Stretch marks that appear after pregnancy cause a lot of concern for many women. Pregnancy is exactly one of the most likely causes that can cause stretch marks to appear. They usually appear on the belly, but also on the thighs, buttocks, arms and breasts.

Basically, these are the parts that have changed the most in size. That’s why they are more susceptible to stretching and getting stretch marks.

One of the most relevant factors for the appearance of stretch marks is weight gain during pregnancy. This means that the more pounds you gain, the more likely you are to get stretch marks later.

Genetics also play a key role in the appearance of stretch marks after pregnancy. Likewise, metabolism and hormones also play a role. Since the latter are factors you can’t control, focus on learning a few ways you can prevent or reduce stretch marks.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are purple or whitish skin lines that appear due to the rupture of elastic fibers in the skin. They usually arise when the skin tightens due to weight gain. Then, the fibers break and the marks resulting from the break are what we know as stretch marks.

5 precautions to prevent stretch marks after pregnancy

Although they are unavoidable, you can follow a series of tips that will help to ease the intensity of stretch marks. Below, we will describe some important points in order to try to avoid the appearance of stretch marks after pregnancy.

1.- Control your weight

It is important to control your weight, as excessive increase during pregnancy is contraindicated for both mother and baby. It also contributes to the appearance of stretch marks, as the skin will stretch even further.

the stretch marks after pregnancy

2.- Maintain a healthy diet

Choose foods that provide antioxidants for collagen production and that contribute to the skin’s firmness and elasticity. Therefore, prefer foods rich in vitamins A, C and E. You can find them in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meats, oils, vegetables in general, seeds, green leafy vegetables, among others foods.

3.- Practice exercises

Try to do some moderate exercise to keep in shape. Low-impact activities such as walking are recommended.

4.- Moisturize your skin

It’s important to drink plenty of water and fluids to stay hydrated. That is, drink at least two liters of water a day.

Also, you must keep in mind that the foods you consume also contain fluids. Therefore, one should not force the consumption of liquids. The ideal is to supply the daily dose.

5.- Use body creams

After pregnancy, stretch marks remain. To solve this, you can use some creams in order to eliminate or diminish these unwanted lines in your body. Their appearance is inevitable. But there are options to eliminate or lessen the intensity.

There are a lot of creams and gels on the market that you can use to fight stretch marks. Prefer body creams that contain vitamin E or cocoa butter. These are the most suitable elements to fight stretch marks during and after pregnancy.

the stretch marks after pregnancy

The ideal is to pass the creams twice a day until stretch marks disappear or are almost invisible. The sooner they are treated, the greater the chances of eliminating or diminishing these marks. This natural technique is recommended more than chemical or surgical ones, as it is less dangerous and also more effective in eliminating stretch marks.

The care that a pregnant woman has with her skin does not guarantee that she is safe from the appearance of stretch marks. However, it never hurts to take some precautions to prevent or treat these unwanted marks.

In conclusion, skin with stretch marks after pregnancy affects many women’s self-esteem. In addition, some still suffer from postpartum depression, which arises from the hormonal changes that occur after the baby is born.

However, it is good to know that stretch marks after childbirth are a normal symptom of pregnancy. Therefore, after giving birth, the goal is to leave the skin as soft and firm as before. For this, you must moisturize your skin both outside and inside with creams, oils and good nutrition.

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