11 Things That Change Your Life When Having A Baby

11 things that change in your life when having a baby

In women’s lives, the most important changes are accompanied by a set of emotions and great personal reflections. In reality, life never stops changing. However, becoming a mother is one of the biggest transformations that a human being can experience, as this experience transcends the barriers of time and emotions. In this article, we’ll mention 11 things that change when you have a baby, but that list is endless.

The changes that mothers experience cannot be erased with gym and diet or with body creams, because bringing a baby into the world is one of those changes that transform their behavior towards life. You will no longer face the challenges that everyday life imposes on us in the same way.

A mother becomes a new woman when she has the capacity to love as much as you love a child. Maybe that’s why the list of changes is endless and profound.

The things that change when you have a baby

Your baby is always the priority.

When you have a child in your arms, you realize that you can do anything for him. You are no longer the first to eat because your hunger disappears if you know your little one wants what’s in your hand.

This, in addition to being beautiful, is understandable. Just a word of advice: always keep taking care of yourself and loving yourself. Now you will also do this for your little one.

You resist the tiredness that you never thought would resist


When you’re pregnant everyone talks about the long nights after the baby is born. But in reality, you won’t have a clue what that means until you get through this moment. And the most surprising thing is that no matter how many hours of accumulated sleep you have, you will always wake up to the first sound of your baby’s cry.

You start to see the children of the world differently

The saying that “by becoming a father you become a father to children all over the world”, is completely true. Seeing a child suffer for any reason will make your chest tighter than ever, as the sense of protection that is born at the very moment of your baby’s birth extends beyond your children and embraces all children.

You come to understand your parents better than ever

When your mother said you would understand when you had children of your own, she was right. Suddenly, you will understand the meaning of all your parents’ worries, restrictions, unconditional love, and protective desire. It’s almost inevitable.

Emotions become much more intense

The happiness with the baby’s first step or his first word, the scare you get when you think your child might fall, or seeing him cry when he gets the vaccine, are certainly moments that will make you shed more than one tear. Now you will be moved by your children’s achievements and sorrows, more than your own.

You feel an indescribable love

The love so pure and clean that parents feel for their children can only be reproduced with the arrival of another baby.

It’s intense, deep and will last forever. Every parent in the world feels that they learned to truly love when they met their child and knows that he is the person he loves most in the world.


you can face anything

If before you were a passive person in the face of things that were a nuisance, now you will realize that anything that could harm your child will reveal the protective lioness that you hide inside. Nobody knows what a mother is capable of doing for her child, not even she.

You start speaking the language of babies

It’s amazing how parents can understand their little ones’ babble almost perfectly. They know how to recognize what little ones want just by seeing their eyes or hearing their cry.

A new order settles in your life

If your way of life is very tidy and organized, you should be aware that the routine and order of the house will no longer be the same. You have to get used to the fact that with a baby not everything can be predicted and calculated as you might have done before.

And if the opposite is the case, if you’re messy and disorganized, surprisingly, you’ll become a little more methodical. A child changes you. Is very.

Your priorities start to change.

This is not to say that you abandon your life, but that now your perspectives change, and some things that were once priorities slip into the background after you become a mother.

Topics like: health, food, and other things you never thought of doing before will become important.

Discover the value of small moments alone

You will discover the pleasure and value of quiet moments, a hot shower at the end of the day, a cup of coffee with a friend, a home movie with your partner, a deep night’s sleep. All these moments will be worth it, and you will deeply enjoy each one of them.

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