5 Recommendations On How To Help A Baby Who Can’t Sleep

5 recommendations on how to help the baby who cannot sleep

Babies usually sleep like little angels. It is even believed that it is not necessary to lull them, but that they were “programmed” to sleep without major problems. However, it’s not always easy. Some babies simply cannot sleep long enough. For the parents of the baby who can’t sleep, we’ve put together some expert recommendations.

It can be frustrating and exhausting when a child cannot sleep. Babies don’t sleep for a variety of reasons, but they don’t do it because they want to. If the baby doesn’t sleep, it’s because they can’t sleep, because in most cases, they’re just as exhausted as we are.

One of the main enemies of rest for parents of newborns is, without a doubt, lack of sleep. Sleeping worried so that the child is well is very tiring, but the baby waking up several times at night is much worse.

However, the baby wakes up because we are unable to transmit our sleep routines overnight.

Advice to help a baby who can’t sleep

The author of the book “Gentle Sleep Solutions” (“Sweet Sleep Solutions” , free translation), Andrea Grace, says that it is possible, yes, to teach a baby to sleep. In the book, Grace gives us some recommendations on how to help a baby who can’t sleep. Below we will introduce some of them to you.

You must understand that your baby’s sleep time is different from yours.

As the baby grows, he begins to adapt to our routine. However, in his early days, his way of sleeping and falling asleep is very different from that of adults. For example: if we get used to not taking a nap so we don’t wake up at night, with the baby it can be different.

When it comes to babies, perhaps “abusing” the nap can be beneficial. According to Andrea Grace, considering the baby’s age, it is possible to let him consume a few hours of sleep during the day so that he becomes more sleepy at nightfall.

However, before taking the initiative, it is recommended to see if this strategy is good for your baby. All babies are different. Also, when they get bigger, their rhythms will also be different. A long nap can help your baby sleep at night, but it may be different for your baby.

The solution may be to let the baby take a nap in the morning or early afternoon. Ideally, he should be tired but not stressed when it’s time for bed, let alone just awake from his nap.

Let the baby sleep in the crib

We assume that this recommendation is not approved by most people. But we are not talking about sleeping in a crib alone in another


of the House. As cruel as it may seem to us, it won’t do any harm for the baby to sleep in his own crib. That’s exactly what we bought it for, isn’t it? We must prevent the baby from always sleeping in the lap.

-Andrea Grace-

 If we want to prevent children from waking up with a start at night, it is better to avoid these shocks. When the baby sleeps with us and we move him, he will wake up feeling scared. It’s normal for him to wake up one or more times during the night, but it’s not good for him to wake up stressed.

In addition, the specialist explains that attracting attention by singing to him or reading a story sometimes distracts him from his desire to sleep. Therefore, it is worth noting whether we let the baby be more active when we distract him in this way. For some kids, this might work. However, perhaps this technique could be harming your child.

respond to crying

It’s not the custom of many parents, but some parents think it’s okay to let babies cry themselves to sleep. The expert claims that this is not necessary. Besides being painful and almost impossible for most parents to do.

-Andrea Grace-

Grace clarifies that a small hiccup or complaint we can pass up. But if the baby wakes up crying disconsolately, you have to go to him. What we want to avoid is anguish. However, it is also necessary to prevent tantrums at night from becoming routine. Let it develop on its own and settle down on its own when desperate crying isn’t treated and we’re around.

Assess if it’s good for everyone to have him sleep with you

Whether or not to sleep with the baby in the same bed is a personal decision. However, sometimes it’s good to see whether our decision is benefiting your baby’s sleep. Perhaps our own sleep habits could be affecting the baby if he is sleeping with you. For example, if we have to get out of bed early, it’s hard to get him to stay asleep later without you.

The specialist also does not recommend moving the baby to our bed when he wakes up, as we will be encouraging him to do that again. It is important that we are consistent with our decisions in front of children.

To help the baby who cannot sleep, the most important ingredient is patience. In addition to love, it is recommended to be firm when we apply these strategies to accomplish this goal. The recommendation is that you try to make changes, follow other recommendations, get help from experts and other mothers.

We have no right to give up, without making an effort to make the baby and you sleep better. Teaching to sleep is possible, yes, don’t be desperate.

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