Your Arms Are The Only Jewel I Want Around My Neck my

Your arms are the only gem I want to have around my neck

Some people dream of one day owning their own home, others of reaching power. Many people wish they had a lot of money, the best high-end car, or the most valuable of objects. I just want to have the prettiest jewel around my neck: your arms.

I don’t need expensive pearl necklaces or chokers with rare diamonds. These banalities do not fill my soul and my heart as well as any other material possessions. They may have a higher monetary value, but they definitely don’t have half the symbolic value of what makes me feel good.

Of what has a unique emotional value. Its price cannot even be compared to all the gold in the world. Of a unique grandeur and meaning that only a mother could understand and agree with this crazy feeling or exclusively maternal preference.

My little one, let me confess my one wish in this life. Your arms are the only gem I want around my neck. There is no other pretense than to allow me to provide you with all that is lacking. For you and me. Expressing all the love I feel for my dear child, and feeling loved by the most wonderful being I have ever known in my life.

your arms

Through these hugs, these moments when I hold you in my arms, I feel that our connection couldn’t be more perfect. Pure, immaculate, unconditional. The link that unites us is eternal, infinite. That’s why you are and will forever be my favorite relic throughout my life.

Your arms around my neck, symbol of a love without size

Since you came into the world, my neck shines with the elegance and distinction of my best jewel: your arms. This jewel is nothing more than a reflection of a really deep love. Symbol of, nothing more or less, than an immeasurable affection.

Your arms around my neck tell me of one of the most sacred bonds. The threads of love joining two souls that were once joined by a cord, that were previously part of the same person. Now, this union presents itself, no less than, in its small and expressive extremities.

This wonder I’ve been bragging about since I got the best title, ‘Mom’, is what connects me. It gives me indications that all the effort and sacrifice bore fruit. Everything I did to get you here today was definitely worth it.

I feel your perfume. That intoxicating and addictive scent of life that tickles my senses night and day. I can hear your frail breathing, your heartbeat. I shudder to think that now you hear my heart, but from another perspective.

For nine months you listened to my sounds from within my own interior. Today, your arms manage to remain glued to my sounds, in the crazy outside world. Today I’m still your refuge and lulling you with my body, I’m the one who also covers you and warms you.

Your arms, the treasure of my life

your arms

Your arms are really my treasure. The most beautiful gift that life can give me. In those tiny hands that join to stay forever clinging to my neck I find everything I need to be happy.

I find calm and breathe peace. Mainly, an inexplicable joy invades me that fills my soul. I feel happiness overflowing within me. I rediscover the meaning of love. I experience my own being as something completely different from what I had previously conceived.

I was never that important to anyone. I understand that I am your world. I also understand that you are mine. You become that light that lights my path. In this part that completes the story of our life. In the support I support myself to stand up and fight every day.

Your arms are for me this orientation that indicates where I should go. You are just all that is right. That’s why, love, you’re the only gem I want to wear around my neck forever. My greatest source of pride and satisfaction. The pearl or the diamond capable of awakening my admiration and my devotion every day of my life.

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