Advantages Of Being A Mother 40+ – I’m A Mom

Advantages of being a mother from 40 onwards

Until a few years ago, talking about the advantages of being a mother from the age of 40 would have been crazy. Complications during childbirth, risk to the mother’s life, and even high risk of miscarriage were just some of the most well-known problems. These days, the forecasts are quite positive.

Recent studies have shown that with monthly consultations and proper care, there is no reason for problems to appear. Many myths have been discarded thanks to advances in medicine and greater publicity for prenatal testing. Thus, many mothers were able to see their dreams come true.

That’s why it’s essential to think about the numerous advantages of having a baby after 40 years of age. On both a physical and mental level, the changes that occur with the arrival of a baby are far more beneficial than is generally believed.

Advantages of maturity at the physiological level of being a mother from 40

mental skills improve

There is an increase in mental acuity, associated with problem solving and an improvement in verbal ability. According to studies published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , this is due to hormones that interfere with pregnancy.

One of them, progesterone, is responsible for developing brain tissue. The other, estrogen, has a very beneficial influence on the structure of the brain.

Food and healthier lives

At an older age, a person’s diet is usually much healthier than that of a younger woman. Attention to consuming quality food and eating a healthy diet is increasing, and certainly the interest in how this can affect the fetus and the body as well. At this age, we are more aware of the risks and, therefore, the interest in taking care of ourselves increases. 


Advantages of maturity at the mental level

Professional and economic stability

After 40 years, it is more common to have professional and economic stability. There is the peace of mind of being able to keep a baby or future babies in the knowledge that they will not be lacking for anything. Professional aspirations have already been achieved, and it is almost impossible for a child to negatively influence their ambitions.

mental and emotional balance

Women are better prepared to deal with pregnancy and the new life of a mother. Maturity is much more suitable when it comes to adapting to changes and everything ends up being smoother. Furthermore, the wisdom of age provides a peace that a younger woman has not yet acquired. The experience that has been lived with other important vital situations allows the mother not to be bothered by any nonsense.


don’t blame the children

Many young mothers end up blaming their children. They look back and think they missed out on great opportunities to live their youth and that it’s the children’s fault. Many women go through this situation that, in addition to being selfish, is unfair.

One of the advantages of postponing motherhood is that it eliminates the risk of going through these frustrations. When a woman over 40 decides to become a mother, it is because she feels that she has already lived what she would like to live and wants to take another step in her life.

Awareness of the decision made

Whether you have a partner or not, the choice was planned. All the pros and cons were taken into account and usually the woman knows what she wants. The mother is aware of how pregnancy will affect all areas of her life and feels prepared to face the changes. It is unlikely that the baby was the result of a quick and unconsidered decision. There are no insecurities and doubts that usually arise at other ages.

Advice to consider if you are going to be a mother after 40

  • If you have decided to become a mother after the age of 40, it is essential to consult your gynecologist and your trusted doctor. 
  • It is very important to have check-ups every month and be aware of your baby’s health status.
  • At this age, the ease of getting pregnant decreases. It is not impossible, but the use of other means should not be ruled out , such as assisted reproduction, for example.
  • Energy is lower than at other ages. But this factor doesn’t have to be a problem.

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