Appendicitis In Pregnancy: Symptoms And Risks – I’m A Mom

Appendicitis in pregnancy: symptoms and risks

Appendicitis during pregnancy is an inconvenience that can appear at any time, whether in the first, second or third trimester. This is a problem that is not related to pregnancy and, although it does not pose a more serious risk, it should be treated immediately.

Nowadays, it is considered that appendicitis has nothing to do with the stage of pregnancy. However, when it comes to a pregnant woman, all precautions and care are few. Thus, when faced with a case of appendicitis during pregnancy, we must take into account that it is not only the mother’s life that is at stake, but, especially, the life of the pregnant woman’s baby.

How to diagnose appendicitis in pregnancy?

In the same way as other problems of


, appendicitis in pregnancy can be detected by an obstetric or abdominal ultrasound. These and other tests such as the patient’s blood count or check-ups are performed with the aim of ruling out any abdominal disease or disease that may be directly linked to the fetus. However, you cannot wait for a specialist’s check-up to diagnose appendicitis. woman holding her belly with a pillow

A pregnant woman who suffers from inflammation of the appendix manifests the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain on the right side. It all starts as a slight inconvenience in the middle of the


    , then the discomfort becomes a pain and passes to the right side. Although at first the woman thinks that it is the child who is leaning on that side and, as they usually say, “it is tucked under the ribs”, the pain does not stop when the baby moves, on the contrary, it becomes more intense.

  • Nausea and vomiting. During pregnancy it is normal to feel nauseous and to vomit frequently. What differentiates appendicitis from these symptoms is that the latter are not usually accompanied by abdominal pain.
  • Fever (not so high).
  • Constipation.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Diarrhea


Although appendicitis manifests some very specific symptoms, during pregnancy they can be confused with the sensations of malaise typical of this phase.  In fact, often, the lack of security and certainty makes the pregnant woman stay at home longer than recommended, waiting for the pain to go away alone. This causes, in the long term, exposure to risks that appear when the pregnant woman does not undergo a diagnosis or surgery in time.

What risks are the baby and the pregnant woman subject to in case of appendicitis?

In case of appendicitis, the pregnant woman may be at risk of


and premature birth. Furthermore, when surgical intervention does not arrive in time and the appendix suppurates, inflammation of the peritoneum occurs. This inflammation can cause the bowel to burst and its contents to leak, contaminating the abdominal cavity. This clinical picture can be treated from the moment the mother receives intensive treatment, putting an end to the risk to her life.

However, these and other tragic endings can be avoided if the pregnant woman receives timely care. Therefore, it is important that in case of any doubt, however small, the pregnant woman seeks a specialist as soon as possible.

What to do if you suffer from appendicitis during pregnancy?

Experts recommend that in the face of


of an appendicitis in pregnancy, the woman avoid taking painkillers. In addition, it is no use drinking water, juice, tea and any other beverage, or ingesting any type of food. woman holding the belly

Feeling the pain can speed up the diagnosis of appendicitis and having an empty stomach facilitates the surgical procedure if it really is this disease.

Appendicitis always entails surgery, as this is the only way for the lives of the pregnant woman and the baby to be saved. In this sense, looking for the hospital calmly and as less stressed as possible makes things easier . It is recommended to enter the operating room calmly, without fear and with the confidence that everything will work out. Being scared doesn’t solve the problem, on the contrary, being nervous can raise blood pressure and trigger other inconveniences that are also dangerous.

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