Being A Mother Is Becoming An Artisan Of Life

To be a mother is, curiously, to be an artisan of life. Without any kind of manual skills or any of them, mothers shape nothing less than human life.
Being a mother is becoming an artisan of life

As if they were potters from the future, mothers take a small raw material to start creating.

Being a mom is being an artisan of life

With the gentleness of her delicate hands and with a lot of love in her heart, mothers strive to give shape to this same creation. These artisans give this little natural invention a sturdy base to stand upright in the face of every slap of fate.

Being a mother is being an artisan of life who works with the best materials and instruments, capable of giving life to the most raw material, so that it can withstand every blow of life. These childhood potters try to create a unique and special piece. Completely different from the rest.

artisan of life

So, with love, patience and delicacy, the result is a sweet and affectionate piece. But now comes a new challenge, what is the content of this product to which she gave life? In other words, what should a mother put into her exclusive creation?

It would not be strange that, at times, this small and picturesque vase adopts an unwanted shape. It’s also no wonder that you sometimes lose your temper while forging your biggest and best work of art. Don’t be impatient waiting for the result. Enjoy the action you are taking in the moment.

Being a mom is definitely giving life to finally forming people. It is nothing more or nothing less than building personalities, raising the flag of the future. But always with a view to the present. In other words, investing in the best market: love.

Being a mother: forming children’s boxes with values

So, there’s nothing better than the special finish, that bonus track that deposits within each of these so painstakingly constructed works. Patience and perseverance, convictions, love, sweetness, daring, dreams and illusions, values ​​and manners, among many other things that can be inserted into children.

Thus, children are – from their first day of life – shaped by their parents. Like vases, they carry a multitude of knowledge, attitudes and values ​​that are the product of maternal upbringing. Being a mother is shaping a life to mark within the final product a series of instruments and tools that are very useful for adulthood.

If you decide to take charge, and consequently unload negative feelings and feelings on your child, this vessel will surely be of lesser value. With a positive attitude and assertiveness, fill your own production with mere good examples.

If the child feels uncomfortable, upset, frustrated, and impatient as you mold him, the results of that work or hobby will be disastrous. Also don’t forget that nothing good is created halfway or without love. Offer  love and you will see the sweetest fruits grow.

Take from your backpack what you consider the best resource to forge a warrior, to face the future. Arm – based on fragments of the noblest materials – a good facade for your vase, but with the strongest and most valuable content.

artisan of life

Being a mom is being an artisan of life and introducing your child’s legacy to your child’s mind.

Build a legacy to leave your child. Being a mother is exactly forging good people, capable of using the best weapons to face life. Repairing with a view to the future, predicting possible destinations. Leave your best self inside these vessels.

Insist on the good, emphasize all quality and goodness. Put sparkles and colors in this very visible fragment of your masterpiece. Continue minutely polishing what you consider urgent to change. Fix this unwanted character or feature as much as possible.

Don’t think it’s a waste of time. Do not believe it will be useless or in vain. That thought is far from reality. When it comes to shaping life, raising your child, it’s never too late . His dedication and effort are seen in the final result of the work. Congratulations Mom, you did a good job. Enjoy your little craft work!

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