Being A Mother Is Not Just Giving Birth, It’s Leading Through Life

Being a mother is not just about raising a child, it is about guiding, loving, respecting and giving confidence.

Being a mother is being aware that this role involves much more than giving birth.

One of the many jobs of a mother is to educate her children. Since it is usually from her that the little one learns his first words and how to organize them; we often refer to someone’s first language as their mother tongue. In general, the mother spends more time with her children than the father, so she has been the main teacher and source of discipline.

What does it mean to be a mother?

To be a mother does not require a title or experience. But you have to be realistic: children don’t arrive with an instruction manual under their arms. Nobody is born prepared to be a mother. Should the idea of ​​being a mother scare? The truth is that NO, the experience of each woman, each mother, is unique, personal and incomparable. A mother with or without a partner, biological or adoptive, will always be a mother,  no matter what.

Being a mother is more than giving birth, it requires many sleepless nights sinking the pillow in a hug. It means endless worries, hours of chasing your kids; days, months, and years inventing hundreds of ways to camouflage vegetables and fish; put up with fights and tolerate with all the patience in the world the infinity of feelings that life has.

Driving or raising children is one of the most difficult tasks that mothers face today. And while there are no magic formulas, there are some key issues that we have to handle with detachment. It’s never too early to start educating.

How to make?

Now we have some advice that will be very useful:

  • It is important that you take care of yourself so that you can take care of your child. If you are unwell, it will affect the baby’s mood and even health.
  • Learn to manage stress and realize you can’t be perfect at everything.
  • Don’t let other people’s prejudices or good (or bad) intentions tell you how you should live your life or how you should raise your child.
  • It’s great to learn to organize yourself to maximize the little time you have.
  • Children need to feel safe despite any circumstances. They need to know that despite life’s challenges, mothers are always available to them. Building trust between mothers and children is crucial. Also, having confidence in themselves will teach them to have productive and positive relationships with you and others.
  • Try to get some type of insurance that leaves you as a beneficiary and choose someone you trust to be your legal guardian (or guardian). Leave everything in writing, especially in front of a notorious public so that later no opportunists will appear to take advantage of your child.
  • It is very important that you be a good example as a mother, woman and friend to your child.
  • From an early age, inculcate in them moral principles and values.
  • You can set rules at home that are respected.
  • Patience in front of everything.

to be a mother is to give affection

Children learn from our examples. Therefore, behaving in the way we want our children to do is critical. Children learn by imitation, and mothers are an important influence in their lives.

The most important job for mothers is to love their children unconditionally. But it is not enough to feel this, it is also necessary to express it with deeds, words and physical demonstrations of love. A kiss, a hug and an “I love you” are infallible for creating self-assured, compassionate, and worthwhile human beings, and loving fathers and mothers-to-be.

Finally, it is essential that you understand that to  be a mother and to triumph in the great task of leading your child in life, you will need character, authority, courage and a great sense of responsibility,  without looking at the situation as a problem, but as a challenge in the life.

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