Benefits Of Using LEGO Education With Children

Did you know that using LEGO bricks, in addition to having fun and entertainment, children can also learn different educational content? Meet LEGO Education!
Benefits of using LEGO Education with children

Who doesn’t know the famous LEGO bricks? These are small colored blocks with which you can create all kinds of constructions. Well, what if we said that they are currently used by many teachers as a powerful and innovative educational resource for the classroom? This is possible thanks to LEGO Education.

LEGO Education  allows children to learn through active methodologies, in which they are the main protagonists of the teaching-learning process, so that they can put into practice the acquired knowledge and express their ideas through building with blocks. 

Do you want to know more about this type of teaching tool? So pay attention to this article!

Benefits of using LEGO Education with children

Play with LEGO in the classroom

There are different  kits  and packages  of  LEGO Education, among which we find:

  • Story Starters.
  • Simple Machines.
  • Motorized Mechanisms .
  • More To Math.
  • Learn To Learn.
  • Build To Express.

Each is geared towards a certain age group and has a specific purpose. But there is something they all have in common: facilitating the realization of a playful learning, characterized by being fun, active, participative, interactive and meaningful.

This type of LEGO products was created in order to serve as a source of support for teachers to achieve the curricular goals of certain subjects and, thus, enable  a more effective, motivating, attractive and inspiring way of teaching for students.

In this sense, it is important to emphasize that the teacher who intends to use LEGO Education in the classroom must act as a guide or mediator of learning. In this way, it will be the students themselves, autonomously, who will find the solution to the different challenges and proposed projects.

LEGO Education  can be used to work with all types of knowledge and skills, from social and communicationskillsto literacy development or STEM learning, ie those related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Benefits of using LEGO Education with children

The use of LEGO bricks in the teaching-learning process brings multiple benefits to children. Below, let’s name some of them:

  • Promotes curiosity  and the desire to learn.
  • It helps to develop psychomotricity through construction with small parts.
  • It stimulates imagination and creativity  because of the need to plan and create new buildings from scratch.
  • It encourages collaboration and communication  because of the need to work as a team in order to achieve a common goal.
  • It helps to develop logical thinking, because to fit the pieces together, it is necessary to analyze the situation and structure the ideas well.
  • It promotes problem solving, as children need to solve each challenge posed by making certain decisions and using critical thinking.

LEGO Education: an innovative educational resource

Considering everything that has been discussed so far, it is possible to conclude that LEGO Education  is an innovative educational resource that promotes the integral development  of children, adolescents and young people.

Currently,  many teachers dare to include this didactic tool in the classroom, both in Kindergarten, Elementary and High School and even at the University, as it offers excellent results in all educational stages.

So, if you are a teacher and want to make your lessons much more enjoyable and fun, you should consider using LEGO Education . Your students will be excited and surprised by the idea!

In addition, this way, you will allow new generations to have contact with a different education, away from traditional methods that are restricted to using pencil, book and paper. A more motivating education in which students come to class every day with a big smile and a willingness to learn.

DO you still have doubts? Need more information on the subject? Then go to the official LEGO Education website and  explore the 400+ lessons that are available  to be put into practice in the classroom.

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